  • 期刊


Comparison of Link Inflow and Outflow Capacity Constraints for Dynamic User Optimal Route Choice


路段容量限制係指道路上單位時間內所能通過的最多車輛數。在靜態用路人均衡路徑選擇模型中,因為不具時間向度的概念,故僅需針對單一的路段流量變數設限。但在動態模型中,由於具備時間向度的概念,因此路段容量限制可能分別發生於路段流入率及流出率變數所表示的時空點上。王中允、Chen and Wang曾以路段流入率為容量限制構建動態模型,但在現實世界中,路段容量限制卻更容易醫生於路段流出率時空路段變數之上。本研究以路段流出率容量限制為例,建立動態用路人均衡路徑選擇模型,並以數例驗證其符合均衡條件,但由於運算過程中,超過路段流出率容量限制的機率較高,因此求解運算績效較路段流入率容量限制模型為差。


Link capacity refers to the maximum flow that can pass through a link during an hour. For dynamic travel choice models, link capacity constraint may impose on link inflow or outflow. Though link inflow capacity constraint has been studied in previous literature, link outflow capacity constraint is more rational and in accordance with real situation. In this study, link outflow capacity constraint is included in a dynamic model, which is then solved by a proposed algorithm. Numerical examples show that dynamic equilibrium conditions are fully complied, but with higher computation time as compared with the link inflow capacity model.


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