  • 期刊


The Development and Transformation of Industrial Town: A Study on the Town Spatial Morphology of Hu-Wei by Reviewing the Process of Development and Decay of Sugar Industry in Taiwan


糖業長期以來一直是台灣最重要的產業之一,同時其所具備的歷史性角色也反映在空間形式上,並在眾落地景上留下記錄。本研究之目的在藉由觀察糖業做為本世紀台灣工業化過程中一個由興盛到衰落的代表性產業,探討一個受其影響下的城鎮空間型態,並分析其發展與變遷的特性和因素。 虎尾是一個在本世紀初因糖廠設立而形成的城鎮,當糖業衰退後,虎尾城鎮空間型態也在其連接台灣整體產業發展與空間結構的過程中變遷。本研究將虎尾本世紀來的發展歷程分為六個時期:(1)糖廠設置與市街形成期(1900~1920年),(2)設庄(鄉)、升街(鎮)與市街快速發展期(1920~1935年),(3)市街計畫導入與新舊市街並榮期(1935~1950年),(4)戰後調整與市街持續東移發展期(1950~1972年),(5)重新擬定都市計畫與市街發展轉型期(1972~1988年),(6)市街擴大與城鎮空間再結構期(1988年~)。 最後本文再從「土地」、「交通」、「居住型態」及其他相關因素之分析,探討糖業興衰過程與虎尾城鎮空間型態之關聯。


產業城鎮 糖業 虎尾 空間型態 轉化


Sugar industry, having been on of the important industries for a long time in Taiwan, played a role not only reflecting its specific spatial forms but also remained historic records in many townscapes. The purpose of this paper is to do a research of sugar industry from its summit to its decay as to be one of the examples of in dustrilization in Taiwan in this century. Further, the investigation of special types of spatial morphology in a local town affected by sugar industry and the analysis of the development and decay of sugar industry will also be discussed. Hu-wei, a town in the west of Taiwan, formed and grew with the erection of sugar factory early this century. Later, the town spatial structure changed resulting from it had linked to the whole industrial development and spatial structure in the island. The significant process of its development in this town during this century can be mainly divided into six parts as follows: (1)streets formation period (A.D.1900~1920) (2)streets rapid development period (A.D.1920~1935) (3)town planning establish ment period (A.D.1935~1950) (4)streets continuous east expansion peried (A.D.1950~1972)(5)streets area transformation period (A.D.1972~1988) (6)town spatial reconstruction period (A.D.1988~) The contents of the development in each period are explored. Finally, the details and the characteristics of sugar industry and the town spatial morphology of Hu-wei, just as the subjects of land, transportation and dwelling types are to be analyzed.


