  • 期刊


Geographies of Globalization: The Governance of Trans-Border Organizational Fields





The research aims to examine the possibilities and limits resulted from the globalization process, which is established as the collision of divergent economic organizations across different territories. In contrast to the conventional viewpoints, the paper argued that geographical scales, the global and local, should not be taken as the dual and separating, but as intersecting and overlapping fields, where the globalising conjuncture presented the juxtapositions of the global flow and local fixity. In other words, globalization was demonstrated as the change in transnational organization field, not just quantitatively, but also qualitatively. A number of case studies in economic geography and sociology, particularly those about the cross-border production networks and transplants, were raised the analytic lenses to validate the argument. By doing so, it argued that rather than being entrapped in sterile debate about whether the globalization era has come, the focus should be put on the organizational de-coupling/re-coupling, the engendering tensions and the hybrid from of governance mechanism as the global meets the local in the globalization process.


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