  • 期刊


Estimating the Social-Excluded Population in Taiwan





Social exclusion has been defined as possible combinations of at least three of the following six disadvantages: low income, unemployment, lack of social interaction, inactive political participation, lack of social-support relationship, and ill health. This paper studies the social-excluded population of Taiwan, first by employing the Database of Taiwan Social Change Surrey (TSCS/2002) to estimate their number. The study has three main findings. First, the severely disadvantaged group, characterized by having at least three disadvantages out of the six, is about 4.5% of Taiwan's population second, the disadvantages of low income and a lack of social support relationship are the two decisive dimensions of the six in forming the severely disadvantage group. And third, the current findings show that the demographic characteristic of the severely disadvantaged group are the relatively uneducated, the unmarried, and the elderly. By multiple correspondence analysis, three clusters of disadvantaged groups are identified: the poverty-extended, the unemployment- marginalized, and the self-excluded. In addition to estimating the unmber of the multi-disadvantaged in Taiwan, the author reflects upon the shortcomings of methods employed in this and related studies. There are two reasons to explain why the databases employed in related researches are not suitable for the thematic definition and concepts. First, the concepts and dynamics of social exclusion are too complicated to be reduced into exact operational definition. The so-called multi-disadvantages method, which employs intersected selection, can easily result in fallacious statistics. Finally, it is suggested that other method, such as life course case studies, might get closer to the reality of social exclusion and multi-disadvantages.


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Burchardt, T.,J. Le Grand,D. Piachaud,J. Hills(edited)(2002).Understanding Social Exclusion.Oxford:Oxford University Press.


