  • 期刊


The Establishment of Planning Model in Land Use Grade at the Watershed Preservation District of Nan-Haw Reservoir


本研究是探討水源保護區水質管理與土地開發活動相互衝突之關係,並以南化水庫集水區為實證地區,在現行法令下,希望從污染總量管制的觀點,以線性規劃法建立土地承載量模式,同時建構山坡地開發限制及影響因子,以統計方法進行土地適宜性分析,然後選擇開發區位優劣順序,減少因開發所造成的坡地災變及汙染。 經研究後結論如下: 1. 當水體涵容能力可負荷開發活動所造成之水質污染時,可應用土地承載量關係式尋求土地資源之最適分配,同時以土地適宜性分析尋找開發適宜區位。 2. 水源保護區內開發許可應取決於可容許污染量之多寡及其區位,當開發活動衍生污染量較大或位於不宜開發之區位時,則應嚴格管制或不許其設置開發。 3. 以污染總量管制與土地適宜特性來分析山坡地水源保護區之開發活動,可得水源保護區開發活動之規模、種類、適宜或不宜開發之區位及開發之優先順序,以提供山坡地土地開發及管理之參考。


The conflict between water quality management and land development within the watershed preservation districts is the main purport explored in this study and the study takes the watershed preservation district of Nan-Haw reservoir as the case to testify. This study is based on the current law and viewpoint of total pollution effluent mass control. The method of linear programming is adapted to establish the land carrying capacity model and to find out the constrains and effective factors in hillsides development. Statistical technique is applied to analyze land suitability and finally to detennine the sequence for development of the suitable places in order to minimize catastrophes and pollution resulted from the hillsides development. The findings are summarized as follows: 1. When Water assimilative capacity can bear the water pollution resulted from development, we can apply land canying capacity model to find out the best way of disposing land resorce. We can also apply the analysis of the land suitability to get the sequence of the suitable development. 2. The development activities pennission depends on the amount of pollution and development location within the watershed preservation districts. Precisely, if the amount of derivative pollutant should go beyond the limits or the cases should locate in improper sites, and development would be strictly limited or even baIlI1ed. 3. The analyses in this study related to the development activities within the watershed preservation districts from the aspects of total pollution effluent mass control and land suitability can show the appropriate scales, kinds, suitable (or unsuitable) location and the sequence, which provides a worthwhile reference hillsides to development and management.


