  • 期刊


A multimedia-based Approach in the Development of a Reviewing Support System




The reviewing of urban plans is a very complicated task. But the current development of urban planning support systems is not intended to be used to support these tasks. Meanwhile, the multimedia has become a useful strategy for public governance. The main aim of this paper is to propose a new approach to design reviewing support systems for urban plans in real-time distributed meeting environments. In order to establish the focus of computer support for group decision-making in reviewing urban plans, the paper will examine organizational activities and existing problems in first. The rest of the paper has the following structure. In Section 4, we review the related works in group decision support systems and GIS. In Section 5, we propose a CVF-based approach to design and develop reviewing support systems. In Section 6, we describe a developing framework. In Section 7, an experimental prototype system and some issues are presented. Finally, we conclude with a summary in Section 8.


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