  • 期刊


The Correlation Between Walkability and Local Social-economic Environment in Da-An District of Taipei City




The spatial pedestrian environments in urban areas attached importance to planners contributes from the promotion human-oriented planning concept under the change of planning paradise. When pedestrian environments attracting spatial activities, it could reveal the diversity in social groups and spatial distribution differences. The widely different results in worldwide cities make researchers pay more attention to this issue, and a lack of discussion is shown in domestic research. This purpose of this study is to explore walkability and local social-economic environment in the urban areas of Daan District in Taipei City. The walkability variables include measured by walking space, walking needs, and pedestrian flow data, while the social-economic environment variables contain education, individual income tax, the announced land values, and non-low-income households. The results show that this study has a comprehensive grasp of walking characteristics, such as having different types of walking spaces, and the walking data concentrated on the west side of the district. Moreover, there is a high correlation between urban space walkability and local social-economic environment in Daan District, Taipei City since canonical correlation coefficients of walkability and socioeconomic variables reached a significant level. It should be paid attention to in future urban planning.


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