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Blood Chemistry of Nonstroke Cerebral Small Vessel Disease


本研究之目的為探求血液生化與腦小血管疾病間的關係,藉以瞭解腦血管疾病之可能危險因子。共收集病人284位,依病人的抑水覆還(fluid attenuated inversion recovery,FLAIR)磁振影像將腦部白質之小病灶(leukoaraiosis or small vessel disease,SVD)數目分為0-4期。再分別查閱所有病歷,分析其腦小血管病灶期別與性別、年齡、血液檢查之尿酸(uric acid,UA)、肌酐酸(creatinine,CRE)、總膽固醇(total cholesterol,TC)、三酸甘油脂(triglyceride,TG)、飯前血糖(fasting blood glucose,GLU-AC)、高密度膽固醇(high density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDLC)和低密度膽固醇(low density lipoprotein cholesterol,LDLC)等之關聯性。結果:在單因子變異分析(One-way ANOVA)中,UA (p=0.02)、TG (p=0.00)以及年齡(p=0.00)與SVD及數有正相關;在獨立樣本檢定(independent T-test)中,疾病組與控制組間的UA (p=0.01)、CRE (p=0.01)、TC (p=0.03)、TG (p=0.03)以及年齡(p=0.00)有差異,且疾病組皆高於正常組。結論:此研究我們得到,尿酸、肌酐酸、總膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、年齡與未中風之腦小血管病灶有相關,且患有此疾病的人這幾項指標皆高於未患病的人。


The objective of this study was to identify risk factors of brain small vessel disease (SVD) without infarction by means of blood chemistry analysis. The study included 284 patients (114 men and 170 women, mean age 59 +/- 10 years) without clinical cerebral infarction or neurological diseases. All patients were classified into five groups according to the number of high signal lesions in the magnetic resonance imaging FLAIR images. We measured blood chemical factors including uric acid (UA), creatinine (CRE), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), fasting blood glucose (GLU-AC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and low density lipoprotein protein (LDLC). We used ANOVA and t-test to compare the blood biochemical changes with the severity of brain small vessel disease. Our results revealed the increases in UA (p=0.02), TG (p=0.00) and AGE (p=0.00) were related to the severity of SVD by ANOVA test UA (p=0.01), CRE (p=0.01), TC (p=0.03), TG (p=0.03) and AGE (p=0.00) were related to the severity of SVD by t-test. In conclusion, values of UA, CRE, TC and TG increase in patients of SVD without infarction. This may indicate that stroke prevention needs early detection and control of blood chemistry.
