  • 期刊


The Study On The Chemical Experimental Safety Concepts of The Senior Technical Schools' Students


本研究旨在探討我國高工學生對化學實驗安全概念的認知情形。研究樣本乃取白中部地區城市與鄉村的高工各一所,就化工科與非化工科共選取737名學生,探討學校、辭別、年級、日夜校與學習成就等五因素,對化學實驗安全概念的影響。 本研究所用之工具為自編之『化學實驗安全概念測驗」,測驗之內容分為九大項:一般實驗室行為、急救與防護知識、實驗設施之應用、藥品之取拿與混合使用、玻璃裝置之處理、物髖之加熱、腐蝕性藥品與酸鹼之處理、廢棄物處理、意外事件之處理等。 研究結果發現: 一、學校之因素 實驗設施之應用與玻璃裝置之處理兩項,城市學校與鄉村學校學生,並無顯著差異。其給各項及總成績,城市學校學生顯著優於鄉村學校學生。二、科別之因素 一般實驗室行為、實驗設施之應用、廢棄物處理等三項,科別間無顯著差異。但其餘各項及總成績,則化工科顯著優於非化工科,但非化工秤之間並無顯著差異。 三、年級之因素 藥品之取拿與混合使用、物體之加熱、腐蝕性藥品與酸鹼之處理及總成績等,高年級均顯著優於低年級。其給各項則在某些年級間並無顯著差異。 四、日夜校之因素 實驗設施之應用、玻璃裝置的處理、廢棄物處理等三項,日夜校間無顯著差異。其餘各項及總成績,則日校顯著優於夜校。 五、學習成就之因素 化學實驗安全概念與學習成就兩者間之相間係數並不高。




The purpose of this study is to investigate the senior technical school stutents’ understsnding about chemical experimental safety. Senven hundred and thirty’ seven students form two, an urban a rural, senior technical schools in central Taiwan area participate in this study. Five factors which may influence students’ concepts concerning chemical experimental safety are investigated: the school district, students’ major, grade level, division (or time of attend class) and achievement. “The Test on the Concepts of chemical Experimental safity” developed by the researcher, is used in this study. This test includes nine categories : general laboratory behavior ; common sense for firstaid and pervention; the application of experimental facilities the procuring, mixing and using of chemicals; the installation of glass eqipments; the heating of materials ; the management of corrosive chemical; acid and alkalis ; the treatment of wastes ; and the procedures for dealing with accidents. The result shows that urban students’ performance is signigicant better than rural students’ , of the nine categories, in seven categories, while in the two other categories, the application of experimental facilities and the icstallation of glass eqipments, there is no difference between these twogroups of students. For the general laboratory behaviors; the application of experimental facilities, and the treatment of wasts, there is obvious difference between students’ major. But for the remaining categories, indivdually or in total, stutents majoring in chemical engineering tend to be better than students majoring in non-chemical engineering, and there is no significant difference between the students majoring in non-chemical engineering. For three categories the procuring, mixing and using of chemicals; the heating of materials; and the management of crrosive chemical acids, and alkalis; the grade of the- senior is superior: to that of the junior. But there is no significant difference in the other categories among the three grades. Regarding the application of experimental equipment, the installation of glass equipments and the treatment of the wastes, there is no significant difference, but as for the remaining categories, the day division is better thsn the evening division. A low correlation coefficance is formed between students’ conceptual level of chemical experimental safty and their achevement in chemistry-related courses.




