



腺癌 子宮頸 鱗狀上皮癌


In recent years, several authors have reported an increase in the proportion of adenocarcinoma of up to 20% and more in all cervical cancer. The prognosis of patients with adenocarcinoma of the cervix is regarded as poorer than that of those with squamous cell carcinoma. In contrast to squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the cervix uteri is regarded as less radiosensitive. Authors reporting on the surgical therapy of the early stage of cervical carcinoma do not see any difference between the two histological types. The optimal treatment of cervical adenocarcinoma will still require a significant number of patients with contribution from multiple centers.


  • 李耀泰、陳福民、柯天龍、鄭文雄、郭宗正(2007)。子宮頸小細胞癌中華民國婦癌醫學雜誌(2007年2),47-53。https://doi.org/10.7010/JGO.200710.0047
  • 李耀泰、鍾明燈(1990)。子宮頸小細胞癌當代醫學(195),39-42。https://doi.org/10.29941/MT.199001.0014
  • Huang, Y. D., Lin, W. C., Yeh, L. S., Tseng, G. C., & Chang, W. C. (2007). 子宮頸腺樣基底癌. Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine, 12(1), 51-57. https://doi.org/10.6558/MTJM.2007.12(1).8
  • 李耀泰、陳福民、郭宗正(2012)。子宮頸微偏性腺癌當代醫學(469),882-884。https://doi.org/10.29941/MT.201211.0019
  • Chen, C. W., Hsiao, H. M., Chen, C. A., Hsieh, C. Y., & Cheng, W. F. (2007). Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 46(4), 453-455. https://doi.org/10.29787/TJOG.200712.0024
