

背景:眩暈是耳部常見的疾病之一。但國內對於眩暈的數據統計缺乏,也沒有可能發生眩暈的危險因子分析,所以急需較完整的臨床數據。因此,本研究將分析病患的臨床資料,尋找眩暈的相關指標,以提供臨床研究眩暈之依據。 方法:自2003年7月至2003年10月收集本院健康檢查者體檢之相關資料,經生化、理學及眩暈檢查後,分爲有眩暈及無眩暈兩組,再以系統抽樣法於這有無眩暈兩組中各抽出100名,以做爲本研究之樣本群。蒐集其相關數據,以性別、年齡、血壓、血糖、膽固醇、三酸甘油酯及心臟血管疾病7項指標當做自變數,以眩暈當做應變數作迴歸分析,並以SPSS11.0 for Windows爲統計分析工具,來瞭解影響眩暈的因子相關性。 結果:這7項變數對於眩暈的R square爲0.606,F值爲42.168,均爲顯著。年齡、血壓、血糖、膽固醇、三酸甘油酯、心臟及血管疾病之p值分別爲0.132, 0.034, 0.125, 0.05, 0.004, 0.001及0.006。將不顯著的性別(0.132)及血壓(0.125)之變項去除後,剩餘5項變數對於眩暈的R square爲0.598,F值爲57.604仍然顯著。以Pearson之相關係數,顯示各自變數間相關性低,符合迴歸自變數之需求。 結論:初步研究結果顯示年齡、血糖、膽固醇、三酸甘油酯及有心臟血管病史5項變數能影響眩暈發作。不過由於樣本數較少且地域集中,希望能有更大規模調查研究,以確立眩暈誘發因子,進而提供臨床及預防醫學的進一步研究。


眩暈 誘發因素


BACKGROUND: Vertigo is one of common symptoms among ears. According to literatures, the most important precipitating factors are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, aged persons and cardiovascular diseases. The related researches on predicting vertigo were scarce. The purpose of this paper is to use simple clinical basic data to determine the precipitating factors of vertigo. METHODS: From July 2003 to October 2003, totally 2236 cases came to our hospital for routine health physical examination were enrolled to this study. Using randomized selection, the data from 200 cases were obtained for the database. Data were analyzed by SPSS 11.0 for Windows. RESULTS: The determination coefficient, R^2, between Vertigo and that 7 independent variables is 0.606, and the F value is 42.168 which is significant at the α=0.05 level. The p values of age, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride and cardiovascular disease are 0.132, 0.034, 0.125, 0.05, 0.04, 0.001 and 0.006 respectively. If removing the non significant variables gender and blood pressure, we get the R^2=0.598 and F =57.604 which is still significant in statistics. CONCLUSION: Our study indicates that the age, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride and cardiovascular disease are significant precipitating factors determining vertigo. We suggested taking a large investigation and set up for clinical and preventive medical science to use. It will be beneficial for individual health, disease prevention and clinical diagnosis, and directly reduce the burden of medication finances of personal, family, society and country.


vertigo precipitating factors

