



BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis with odontogenic origin is quite different from that with rhinogenic origin. Disregard of the dental etiology in treating odontogenic rhinosinusitis may result in treatment failure. In this study, patients with odontogenic chronic rhinosinusitis treated at our hospital in recent 4 years were analyzed with respect to their clinical manifestations and outcomes.METHODS: From May 2005 to May 2009, 18 patients who were diagnosed to have odontogenic chronic rhinosinusitis were enrolled in this retrospective study. The dental etiology, diagnosis, treatment modality and outcome were reviewed. The bacteriology and antibiotic sensitivity test of the mucopus, aspirated from the diseased sinus by antiseptic techniques during the surgery, were analyzed and compared with those from 159 patients with rhinogenic chronic rhinosinusitis at the same period.RESULTS: Among 18 patients, the most common dental etiology was periapical abscess, followed by a displaced dental root in the maxillary sinus. At the time of clinical evaluation, 14 patients (78%) had no awareness that chronic rhinosinusitis was due to an odontogenic source. Dental treatment combined with functional endoscopic sinus surgery appeared to be the best treatment modality. Anaerobes, aerobes and facultatives, and mixed aerobic-anaerobic infection were found in 73.3%, 60%, and 40% of the sinus mucopus in patients with odontogenic rhinosinusitis, which were higher than 30.2%, 55.3%, and 15.1% in patients with rhinogenic rhinosinusitis. The difference in the culture rate of anaerobes and mixed aerobic-anaerobic infection was statistically significant.CONCLUSIONS: An odontogenic source should be considered in individuals with recurrent or persistent unilateral rhinosinusitis. Diagnosis requires a thorough dental and sinus evaluation, which need the cooperation of the otorhinolaryngologists and the dentists. Management of odontogenic chronic rhinosinusitis requires treatment of the sinusitis as well as the dental etiology. Empirical antibiotics should cover both aerobes and anaerobes because anaerobic and mixed infections were common.


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