  • 期刊


Transformation from Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid to Insular Carcinoma and Poorly-differentiated Carcinoma


甲狀腺島狀細胞癌(Insular carcinoma)是介於分化良好與分化不良間的甲狀腺癌,其特殊病理表現是少量纖維組織包圍著島狀(insulae)的腫瘤細胞,及不明顯的細胞核;其臨床表現甚具侵襲性,被發現時經常已較爲晚期。本科提出一個由甲狀腺乳突癌進展爲甲狀腺島狀細胞癌(insuar Carcinoma)及未分化癌的病例,並討論其歷時九年的病程變化,期能對這罕見的腫瘤能有更多認識。


Primary thyroid cancer has been divided into well-differentiated thyroid cancer (papillary and follicular thyroid cancer), which comprise approximately 90% of all cases, medullary thyroid cancer, which makes up 5%-9% of cases, and anaplastic or poorly differentiated cancers, which form the remaining 1%-2% of cases. However, various histological subtypes have evolved as we have gained a better understanding of the biology of these cancers. Some subtypes of these tumors have been identified as being more aggressive and thus have been labeled thyroid cancers with intermediate differentiation. These include variants of papillary thyroid cancer, insular carcinoma, and Hürthle cell carcinoma. Insular carcinoma of thyroid is characterized by islands of neoplastic cells that are surrounded by hypocellular fibrous tissue: this cancer has been placed between well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. A 50-year-old woman suffering from thyroid cancer underwent a transformation from papillary carcinoma to insular carcinoma and poorly-differentiated carcinoma over a 10-year period. A description of the pathology and history of treatment are presented.
