  • 期刊


CO2 Laser-Assisted Stapes Surgery-the Experience of Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital




BACKGROUND: Otosclerosis is a hereditary disease with progressive hearing loss. Though the prevalence in Taiwan is much lower than those in Europe and the U.S., we cannot overlook its effect on hearing and its possible complications caused by stapes surgery. Previous studies suggested CO2 laser-assisted stapes surgery was safe for experienced otolaryngologists in the U.S. However, in southern Taiwan, the safety and result of stapes surgery by inexperienced surgeons remain unclear. In addition, it is open to question how surgical approach, prosthesis type and the learning effect of surgeons affect results of laser-assisted stapes surgery in these areas.METHOD: We reviewed charts of consecutive 35 ears (31 patients) with laser-assisted stapes surgery and followed by two surgeons between the period of February 1997 and August 2009 in Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Surgical results were investigated by pre-and post-operative audiometries at frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz. We reported the result differences between transcanal and post-auricular approaches and among different prosthesis types. We also categorized all the cases into 17 cases of early operation group and 18 cases of later operation group to investigate the learning effect on surgical results.RESULT: The post-operative air-bone gap (AI3G) averagely improved 16.6 dB from 31.9 dB to 15.3 dB. Eighty percent of post-operative ABGs were within 20 dB. Mild complications occurred in five cases (14.3%) and all recovered within 3 months. There was no significant difference of surgical results between transcanal and postauricular approaches, and among different types of prosthesis. The post-operative hearing improvement in the later operation group was significantly better than that in the early operation group.CONCLUSION: Though otosclerosis prevalence is relatively low and the training opportunities may be less in southern Taiwan, CO2 laser-assisted stapes surgery may still be a successful and safe procedure. Our results suggested there seemed to be a similar learning effect as in high prevalence area on surgical results.


CO2 laser stapedotomy stapes prosthesis otosclerosis
