  • 期刊


Design of an Infection Surveillance System for Reprocessing Endoscopes Using RFID Technology


美國緊急醫療研究機構(ECRI)每年都會提出下年度最需急迫應對的十大醫療科技危害,「內視鏡以及外科手術器械未經適當再處理過程所造成的感染」名列2015 年第4 大醫療科技危害,而且自2011 年起連續5年榜上有名,其中,不當的內視鏡再處理過程是造成院內交叉感染的重要原因之一。本研究主要應用資通訊科技及無線射頻識別技術建置內視鏡再處理過程感染監視系統(以下稱本系統)。透過整合醫療資訊系統、穿戴於醫護人員手上的RFID 手環、黏貼於內視鏡管上的RFID 標籤以及黏貼於自動清洗消毒處理機(以下簡稱自動洗淨機)的RFID 讀卡機,追蹤受檢者、內視鏡管以及自動洗淨機的感染途徑。當疑似交叉感染發生時,透過本系統可以快速確認並隔離可能受到感染的內視鏡管以及自動洗淨機,並即時查詢可能受到感染的受檢者清單,提供感控人員召回受檢者進一步檢查,避免感染範圍擴大。


The Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) releases top 10 of health technology hazards every year. "Inadequate Reprocessing of Endoscopes and Surgical Instruments" was ranked fourth of the 2015 list and it has been on the top 10 list over the past five years. Patient cross-contamination due to improperly reprocessed endoscopes is one of the major causes of the hazards. This research mainly focused on using the RFID technology to develop an Infection Surveillance System for Endoscopes Reprocessing (ISSER). In the system we made a passive RFID tag for each endoscope, added RFID readers to the ISSER and automated endoscope reprocessors (AERs), and integrated endoscope identification information, patient and treatment information as a whole through hospital information systems. As such, with the system we can trace infection pathways among patients, endoscopes and AERs. Thus, the ISSER can help infection control professionals (ICPs) monitoring the critical risk factors of reprocessing of endoscope. When there is an outbreak of cross-contamination, with the help of the ISSER, the ICPs can isolate the contaminated endoscopes and AERs, and identify those patients who could have been infected and need to be recalled for further checkups quickly.
