  • 期刊


Research of Chinese Lexicon Teaching-Quantities


詞彙是語言的建築材料,要學會一種語言,就要掌握這種語言中一定數量的詞彙。詞彙是語言承載文化因素的主要層面,文化與詞彙是本質與形式、決定與被決定的關係。因此,要正確與熟練地掌握語言,我們不得不在學習詞彙的同時,特別留意具有民族特徵的詞語。因為這些詞語的意義不僅反映客觀事物,而且還表現出民族對客觀事物的態度。教學時必須說明這類詞彙所反映的文化特徵與社會內涵,才能達到靈活、準確地運用語言的教學目的。 雖然使用語言的基本點在於掌握它的理性意義,但是掌握了詞的構詞理據,能加深對詞的理解,從而更容易記住並使用它。要達到此一目的,必須把詞彙教學與語法、語篇、文化等結合起來,這樣對學生記憶詞語、擴大詞彙網絡、準確理解詞義,培養學生準確使用詞彙的能力,提高學生聽、說、讀、寫的能力,都是非常有裨益的。本文除「序言」、「結語」外,討論重點主要為華語詞彙認知的旨趣、詞彙認知的途徑、詞彙教學的策略等三方面。


詞彙 認知 教學 策略 華語


When talking about the characteristics of Modem Mandarin Chinese, we will be of one similar point of view that the quantities of Chinese are abundant, existing in general linguistic literature. According to the Chinese custom, every kind of quantities has its corresponding nouns and verbs, and the regularity among them is very strict, for example, i tao niao (a cow), i pi ma (a horse), i tiau gao (a dog) and etc. They are similarly four-legged animals, but their quantities are totally different from each other. It is difficult even for Chinese who take Chinese as their Mother Language to demonstrate clearly the reasons that cause this situation. Quantities are one kind of subcategory which is used very frequently, and they can also be seen everywhere in articles. However, in language teaching, teachers’ using of quantities teaching is always language-sensitive; therefore, what students receive is an opaque and disordered impression. In fact, in order to clarify the origins of these quantities, we have to trace back the characteristics of Chinese words, Chinese language, and even the whole Chinese culture. Basically, quantities are developed from content words, such as nouns, verbs, and a few adjectives; therefore, the discussion of quantities can be started from the analysis of forms, the definition of meaning and the observation of usage. If teachers could process the teaching of quantities from the two instructional points that include the understanding of symbols and the handling of systems, they could undoubtedly get double results with only a half work. This article tends to discuss problems of grammar, meaning, and application of Chinese quantities from the aspect of cognitive linguistics; furthermore, it will discuss the cultural content and Chinese people's mental connotations that Chinese quantities contain. This article can be divided into three parts: 1. Introduction: Generally states the study motivation, main purpose, and methodology. 2. Body: Further discusses the quantities that appear frequently in Chinese from the aspects of origins, meaning, and usage. 3. Conclusion: discusses how to process lexicon teaching effectively.




莊玉因(2011)。詞彙教學與閱讀理解-語意構圖教學法 與文句脈絡教學法之比較研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100458
