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The Effect of High-Frequency Electroacupuncture on Post-Arthroscopic Pain


BACKGROUND: Postoperative pain is one of the major complains by the patients after surgery. Recent evidence supports the worldwide use of acupuncture to relief pain in clinical practice. Numerous study have found that acupuncture activates multiple neurophysiological interactions, and decreases nociceptive responses in animals receiving painful thermal, chemical, and electrical stimulations. In the present study, we examined the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) at classical acupuncture points (Yanglingquan and Yinglingquan) on postoperstive pain. METHODS: Sixty patients (ASA class Ⅰ) undergoing arthroscopic surgery of knee were randomly assigned to three treatment regimens: Group Ⅰ (N=20), control group; Group Ⅱ (N=20), sham-EA (needle intradermal insertion without electrical stimulation); Group Ⅲ (N=20), pre-operative EA (pre-op EA; needle inseration with 100 Hz electrical stimulation 30 min prior to anesthesia). All patients received patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) of morphine postoperation. The post-operative pain was evaluated by recording (1) the time of the first required analgesic, (2) the total amont of morphine required by PCA, and (3) Patients' VAS score, (4) the opioid-related side effect. RESULTS: We found that the time of first analgesic required was 9.90±0.59、22.10±2.26 and 47.25± 2.47 minutes in the control, sham-EA and preoperative EA groups. During the first 24 hours, the total amount of morphine required was 16.25±1.29mg、11.35±0.87mg and 6.30±0.88mg in the control, sham-EA and preoperative EA groups, respectively. There were significant in statistics by comparing with each other. The incidence of nausea and dizziness during the first 24 hours after surgery was significantly reduced in pre-op EA groups compared with the control group. We also found that sham-EA exerts a beneficial effect with respect to its pain relieving quality but not the side effect profiles. CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed that pre-operative EA group postpone the initial demand for pain control and decrease total PCA dosage within 24 hours.


BACKGROUND: Postoperative pain is one of the major complains by the patients after surgery. Recent evidence supports the worldwide use of acupuncture to relief pain in clinical practice. Numerous study have found that acupuncture activates multiple neurophysiological interactions, and decreases nociceptive responses in animals receiving painful thermal, chemical, and electrical stimulations. In the present study, we examined the effects of electroacupuncture (EA) at classical acupuncture points (Yanglingquan and Yinglingquan) on postoperstive pain. METHODS: Sixty patients (ASA class Ⅰ) undergoing arthroscopic surgery of knee were randomly assigned to three treatment regimens: Group Ⅰ (N=20), control group; Group Ⅱ (N=20), sham-EA (needle intradermal insertion without electrical stimulation); Group Ⅲ (N=20), pre-operative EA (pre-op EA; needle inseration with 100 Hz electrical stimulation 30 min prior to anesthesia). All patients received patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) of morphine postoperation. The post-operative pain was evaluated by recording (1) the time of the first required analgesic, (2) the total amont of morphine required by PCA, and (3) Patients' VAS score, (4) the opioid-related side effect. RESULTS: We found that the time of first analgesic required was 9.90±0.59、22.10±2.26 and 47.25± 2.47 minutes in the control, sham-EA and preoperative EA groups. During the first 24 hours, the total amount of morphine required was 16.25±1.29mg、11.35±0.87mg and 6.30±0.88mg in the control, sham-EA and preoperative EA groups, respectively. There were significant in statistics by comparing with each other. The incidence of nausea and dizziness during the first 24 hours after surgery was significantly reduced in pre-op EA groups compared with the control group. We also found that sham-EA exerts a beneficial effect with respect to its pain relieving quality but not the side effect profiles. CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed that pre-operative EA group postpone the initial demand for pain control and decrease total PCA dosage within 24 hours.


蘇書賢(2016)。探討穴位按壓與膝關節護具結合之可行性 -以舒緩髕骨肌腱炎之疼痛〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600655
