  • 期刊


The Expanding Strategy of Tayohya in China's Home Furnishing Market





Tayohya is a well-known China home fashion brand, founded by Mrs. Pan in Shanghai since 1998. Leveraging the branding and channel managing capabilities, Tayohya outperforms other brands and penetrates China market rapidly. By July 2012, this company had owned more than 470 shops, selling 5,000 product assortments over 180 cities. With more than 700 employees, Tayohya had annual revenues higher than 30 million renminbi. This company intends to craft consistent brand experiences for consumers with the brand philosophy ”the way to a better life.” Tayohya is currently dedicating in seizing the demand opportunities driven by the '2011 China 125 Plan' to make its way into the market. With constrained resources, it needs to decide on expanding market share via entering the online channel or the TV shopping channel first? More importantly, Tayohya has to confront another critical issue with respect to how to integrate the clicks and mortars for efficiency and prevent itself from potential risks such as multichannel conflicts or brand dilution.


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中國國家統計局(2013),「2012統計年鑑」,(取得日期:2013年2月2日),[availabe at http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjshujia/tjzl/index.htm]
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