  • 期刊


Determination of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Milk Powder Using Immuno-affinity Column and Fluorescence Measurement


本研究使用Afla Test-P Column AFLAPREP M兩種商用免疫親和性層析管柱及螢光檢測牛乳及乳粉中黃麴毒素M1,分析所得如下: (一)以Afla Test-P Column及螢光判讀機,分析人工添加0.5及1.0ppb黃麴毒素M1之脫脂牛乳,其回收率各為84.4±7.0%及94.2±9.5%,其最低檢測限量為0.1ppb,此法速簡,適例行性大批檢體檢驗用。 (二)以AFLAPREP M管柱及高效液相層析儀,分析人工添加0.1,0.5及1.0ppb黃麴毒素M1之脫脂牛乳,其回收率各為84.7±2.7%,88.7±1.9%及89.2±4.2%,其最低檢測限量為0.05ppb,此法較靈敏,適具高效液相層析儀實驗室例行性檢驗用。 (三)以AFLAPREP M管柱方法,檢測牛乳及乳粉(乳粉檢驗前須沖泡成液狀乳)各25件,結果於3件牛乳中分別檢出0.33,0.12及0.08ppb之黃麴毒素M1,乳粉則皆未檢出。


The method using immuno-affinity column clean-up and fluorescence measurement was evaluated for detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk powder. Two kinds of commercial immuno-affinity columns used were Afla Test-P Column and AFLAPREP M. The results are shown below: (1) By using Afla Test-P Column and Fluorometer, the average recoveries of aflatoxin M1 from defatted milk spiked at the levels of 0.5 and l.0ppb were 84.4±7.0% and 94.2±9.5%. The detection limit was 0.1ppb. This method is easy and suitable for multi-sample treatment. (2) By using AFLAPREP M, the average recoveries of aflatoxin M1 from defatted milk spiked at the levels of 0.1, 0.5 and l.0ppb were 84.7±2.7%, 88.7±1.9% and 89.2±4.2%. The detection limit was 0.05ppb. This method is more sensitive and can be used at the laboratory equipped with HPLC. (3) 25 samples of milk and 25 samples of milk powder were perchased from supermarkets in Taipei from July 1994 to June 1995 and tested by AFLAPREP M. Aflatoxin M1 was detected in 3 samples of milk. The toxin contents were 0.33, 0.12, 0.08ppb respectively. Milk powders were reconstituted and tested, no aflatoxin M1 was detected in 25 samples.


Aflatoxin M1 immuno-affinity column milk milk powder
