  • 期刊


Designing Scale for Frequency & Perception of Job Stress of Clinical Nurses



研究目的是編訂一套本土化的工作壓力頻率量表、工作壓力感受量表及建立常模,做爲醫學中心臨床護士評值工作壓力的工具。研究樣本的服務於民國77年與80年均評定爲醫學中心的521名護士,由各科系工作至少満半年的護士中,分層隨機抽樣所得。研究工具以Likert O至4分量尺的自擬量表,採專家及內容效度,信度Cronbach's α 0.85-0.95。資料採SAS統計軟體,以百分比、平均值、標准差、因素分析、變異數分析、與皮爾遜相關係數分析統計。研究結果是:1.工作壓力頻率量表,含行政管理、病人護理、人際關系、工作環境、角色認同及常規工作六類,共137項壓力事件,其常模各爲0.91±0.22、1.59±0.64、0.21±0.13、1.56±0.46、1.00±0.50、及2.29±0.69。2.工作壓力情緒感受量表的常模是1.48±0.18,屬輕度壓力,含157項壓力事件。3.工作壓力發生的頻率會因婚姻、護理教育等個別的不同而有顯著的差異,角色認同壓力頻率除外。4.工作壓力的情緒感受度會因有該科系工作經驗及工作科系的不同而有差異。5.各類工作壓力發生頻率間的相關性,及與情緒感受度的相關性,均呈極顯著的相關。研究成果,可協助護士自我評值工作與生活的壓力,進而設法調適;也可增進上司對部屬的了解,予以個別化的照護:使成爲更健康的護士,以助長護理業務的發展及取得社會人士的認同與尊重。


This research was aimed at designing scales to measure frequency & perception of job stress of the clinical nurses at the medical centers in Taiwan. We needed to establish norms, design evaluation score table and determine the methodology to be used. The samples in the research cover 521 nurses from various departments in the four hospitals which were accredited as medical centers in FY1988 and FY1991. The nurses had served in the department for at least six months. The number of samples is proportionate to the total numbers of nurses in each department. The research tools comprise simulated measurement table, validity and reliability through re; peated tests and examinations and Cronbach’s alpha 0.85-0.95. All data was calculated and analysed by SAS & NFACTOR criteria, one-way ANOVA, Pearson corelation coefficients, etc. The results of the research are as follows: (1) Fomulation of the frequency & emotional respone scales of the job stress of clinical nurses at the medical centers. The former includes six factors: adrninistration, patient care, relationship, work environment, role recognition, and regular work stress. (2) Setting up norms, evaluation tables & evaluation value methodology of the Job stress occurrence frequency & emotional response scales. (3) Individual factors such as marriage, nursing education, service years, working depirtment, department experience, & health condition are closely connected to the frequericy of different work stresses and/or the emotional response to the job stresses, especially the work environment and reqular work stress. (4) There is an obvious relationship between the frequency of different work stresses and the emotional responses. The findings in the research can help the nurse, to evaluate herself, to self-diagnose her surround: ing work enviroment and living pressure, and to optimize her adjustment. They will also increase the understanding by the superior of his or her staff so that individual care can be given so as to make the nurse better recogniged and respected by the public.


袁素娟(2011)。評估中部某醫學中心護理人員肌肉骨骼不適及 介入成效之研究〔博士論文,中山醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6834/CSMU.2011.00125
