  • 期刊


Strategies and Measurement of Remediation for Sub-surface Contamination in Service Stations




Service station is one of growing and profitable businesses in Taiwan. However, the vigorous competition and environmental regulations make the management of service stations more difficult. According to a statistical data conducted by EPA shows that there was dozens of service stations encountered sub-surface contamination problems and some of them were even suspended to quit their business. How to establish the leak prevention management technology of USTs has become the most important task for the owner and operator of service stations. The author has proposed a masterplan in 1994 to promote the leak prevention management of USTs for service stations and has gained a lot of achievement. In order to help the owners of service stations to deal with the inspection project of potential pollution source of groundwater conducted by EPA, the author suggests detecting the concentration of vapor in leak detection pipe (i.e. soil vapor monitoring wells) around UST first. If there has high vapor concentrations or free products in these pipes, the owners must take some measures according to their situations. The author hope to share his experiences with every owners of service stations and professionals in this field to progress the level of USTs management in Taiwan.


