  • 期刊


Outpatient Care-Seeking of Colds and Influenza Under the Health Insurance System in Taiwan




台灣 感冒 健保資料 門診求醫


Objectives: To explore the characteristics of outpatient care-seeking for colds and influenza in Taiwanese National Health Insurance (NHI). Methods: We obtained our data from the 1999and 2000 NHI annual reports to calculate the annual expenses and average outpatient visits for colds and influenza. Age and gender differences in the frequencies of outpatient visits of cold and influenza and the patients' preferences of outpatient services were explored. Results: In 1999 and 2000, Taiwanese people spent 14.23% and 14.30% of total NHI outpatient expenses on outpatient care for colds and influenza. The outpatient visits for cold and influenza accounted for 27.92% and 28.80% of total outpatient visits. Taiwanese people had an average of 3.35 and 3.42 outpatient visits per person in 1999 and 2000 for colds and influenza. Children under 14 years of age had the highest proportion of outpatient visits for their acute respiratory infections and were the most frequent users in such visits. Females also had a higher proportion of outpatient visits for acute respiratory infections and were more frequent users than males. More than 90% of Taiwanese patients preferred family clinics to hospitals for the care of their colds or influenza. Conclusions: or the outpatient visits for colds and influenza in Taiwan, the frequency of service utilization and the percentage in total outpatient visits were all higher than those in the US or Canada. In order to reduce unnecessary outpatients visits for colds and influenza in Taiwan, we suggest, from public health perspectives, to improve the general public's self-care ability and their health literacy, and also to prevent the colds and influenza epidemics.


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