  • 期刊


A Pilot Study on Applying Prescription Information to Risk Adjustment Models in Taiwan




Objective: Using risk adjustment to set premium subsidies can reduce risk selection and ensure the equity of access to care. Diagnosis-based adjusters and prescribed drugs adjusters have attracted the research attention due to their recent rich clinical messages recently and have thus been studied intensively. Results of previous studies in Taiwan demonstrated the outstanding predictability of risk adjusters using Taiwan's NHI data. The medical expense structure of Taiwan's NHI shows that one-third of outpatient medical expenses is spent on prescription drugs, and chronic disease prescriptions account for the main portion. This study intends to investigate the improvement inthe predictability of risk adjustment models in Taiwan by introducing prescription information. Methods: From a database containing a panel of 200,000 individuals randomly selected from the NHI's beneficiaries, 167,518 individuals who had a full twelve months of eligibility in 2000 and were still enrolled on January 1, 2001 were selected as the study sample. Through weighted least square regression, demographic adjusters, diagnosis-based adjusters, prescription adjusters and diagnosis-based adjusters attaching prescription information were employed to establish four risk adjustment models. PR^2 and predictive ratio were employed to evaluate the predictability of various models through cross-sample validation. Results: The predictability of the demographic model was markedly inferior to the other three models. Of the other three models, the model with prescription and diagnosis information outperformed the other two. Although the overall predictability of the model with prescription and diagnosis information is slightly higher than that of the TASGs model, it has more accurate predictions in terms of expenditures of several subgroups, particularly the subgroups with chronic diseases. Conclusions: More clinical information improves the predictability of risk adjustment models, and prescription information does contribute to the improvement on the predictability of Taiwan's risk adjustment models, in particular on the predictions concerning the expenditures of individuals with chronic diseases. This should be of assistance in obtaining the objectives of reducing the selection incentive and improving efficiency. Future studies should incorporate Taiwan's practice patterns of prescribing drugs as well as more integration with diagnosis information.


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