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Factors affecting physicians' intention to use electronic medical record exchange for older patients




Objectives: To determine factors that may influence physicians' intentions of accessing electronic medical records (EMRs) at other institutions. Methods: A literature review was conducted to summarize factors that may affect physicians' intentions of using EMR exchange. A questionnaire based on the Delphi method and a literature review was administered to physicians at different levels within medical institutions. Health information technique (HIT) and non- HIT factors were extracted through factor analysis and subjected to hierarchical regression analyses to investigate the dimensions potentially affecting physicians' overall intention of using EMR exchange. The possibility to use EMRs when facing elderly patients at defferent medical services-including in-patient services, out-patient services, emergency health services, and health promotion-was also investigated. Results: Nine factors were extracted after the factor analysis. Then, the hierarchical regression analyses were conducted using these nine factors. The HIT factor "Integrated Professional Data and Perceived Usefulness" was concluded to affect the intention of physicians to use EMR exchange. The influential non-HIT factors included (1) information required regarding patients' conditions, (2) physicians having time to access relevant information, (3) interrogation time shortening, and (4) quick access and data saving for subsequent use. The factors affecting the likelihood of EMR exchange varied marginally among different types of medical services. Conclusions: To improve physicians' intentions of using EMR exchange, user experiences in EMR exchange at clinical practices should be emphasized. Providing professional and reliable integrated information is helpful for achieving health care policy objectives.


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