  • 期刊


Experience of Transporting a SARS Probable Case in Taiwan


2003年3月SARS(Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome,嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)侵襲亞洲地區,台灣未能倖免。有鑑於台灣週邊之離島醫療設備及資源不足,行政院衛生署疾病管制局及全國空中緊急醫療救護咨詢中心訂定離島地區SARS病患後送本鳥就醫申標準作業程序。 本案例發生於2003年6月2日,澎湖一位疑似SARS可能病例的40歲男性病患,成功的經由固定翼飛機空中轉送至臺北SARS專貴醫院接受隔離檢查治療。此次醫療送結合移動式隔離艙以配合相關運送防疫措施順利完成。 法定傳染病以就地隔離治療爲原則,若需空中醫療轉送則要慎重攷量,除了完善的作業流程外,還必須結合航空醫學、急診醫學、流行病學、感染控制等專業領域的知識及設備如移動式隔離艙的使用,在SARS病患空中醫療轉送扮演了極重要的角色。 本研究係首次報告我國離島地區SARS病患空中醫療轉送成功之案例,謹將執行之標準作業程序,如何使用移動式隔離艙這方法及運送時醫護人員及裝備之相關防疫措施,提出實務經驗報告。


In 2003, the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic spread widely across Asia. Taiwan inevitably was seriously affected by the outbreak. The geographical background of Taiwan, With several remote islands, has led to an unequal development of healthcare between Taiwan and the offshore islands. In response to the SARS outbreak, which might have spread to the remote islands, there was an urgent need for the Department of Health (DOH) to develop a standardized operational procedure for the air medical transport of patients with suspect SARS from such remote islands to medical facilities in Taiwan. The DOH authorized the National Aeromedical Consultation Center (NACC) to be responsible for the criteria-based approval of such a process. The NACC designates which body, either the International SOS or the Air Fire Fighter, would be assigned for such an operation. Here, we report on the first SARS patient to be successfully transported to a SARS treatment hospital in Taiwan. The medical repatriation was completed using a combination of a Portable Isolation Unit (PIU) and the application of universal precaution protocols. The purpose of this report is to provide a description of the standard operation procedure relevant for the transportation of SARS patients in such circumstances.


