  • 期刊


Comparison between Emergency Response Expectations of Community Residents and Rescue Workers following a Mudslide Disaster


整合社區內各種資源,是地方災難應變的重要模式,而事前對社區需求的充分了解是有效整合的重要基礎。本研究以曾遭土石流侵襲的社區為對象,探討居民和救援團體間對緊急應變內容期待的差異。問卷是以「社區醫療災難計劃與評估指南」中反應期內容為基礎,立克氏量表為量化工具,利用關鍵資料提供者訪談、焦點團體及專家意見等方法來建構。問卷內容共分為六大應變範疇。 研究結果發現兩組間在傷患照顧和後勤兩範疇上有顯著差異,居民組得分較高,表示有較高的重視程度。分層分析結果顯示居民是將疏散重置、食物和環境衛生等項目視為最優先的需要。


土石流 社區 災難 緊急應變


The community is recognized as an extremely important resource for emergency help during a disaster. Only a well-prepared community-based disaster emergency response is able to cope with the consequences of natural disasters, which usually cause large numbers of casualties and enormous destruction. Understanding the required response in an emergency is an essential step in designing an appropriate system. Our goal was to analyze the differences in emergency response expectations between community residents and rescue workers during a mudslide disaster. Our study reviewed the Community Medical Disaster Planning and Evaluation Guide, which was edited by Dr. Erik Auf der Heide and the American College of Emergency Physicians. The questionnaires were formulated by using key informant interviews, focus group discussions and expert opinions. Our study population was based on a number of communities that have been badly affected by mudslide disasters. The study population was divided into two groups: community residents and rescue workers. By comparing categories within these two groups, significant differences were found in the patient care activities and support activities between community residents and rescue workers (P=0.02 and 0.03).


