  • 期刊


The Assessment of Hand-Arm Vibration Exposure from Impact Drill


我國勞工安全衛生設施規則第302條中規範局部振動每日容許暴露時間,國內之手持動力工具上並未標示該手工具之振動大小,雇主及勞工無法得知振動量的大小因此也無從遵守,故本研究之目的爲設立一手持動力工具之振動資料庫。 本研究利用三軸向1/3八音幅頻帶虛擬頻譜分析儀及量測系統進行手持動力工具使用時產生之振動測定,以ISO 5349-1/2001進行加權,並評估勞工每日暴露兩小時之狀況下,可能罹患白指病之年資,另以我國勞工安全衛生設施規則第302條進行評估勞工使用該手持動力工具每日容許暴露時數。 本研究針對國內常用之22型之電動鎚鑽量測手-手臂振動暴露量,測量結果顯示電動鎚鑽的振動量分布在604-19.6m/s^2,依照我國法規規定計算其最大容許暴露時間爲1-4小時;依ISO 5349-1/2001計算勞工如果每天使用手持動力工具2小時,則在2.83-9.85年有10%的機會罹患白指病;在使用效率方面,使用四溝式鑽頭之電動鎚鑽高於三爪式,建議使用該型式之機種以降低暴露時間。有9型(40.9%)未能在國外振動資料庫中搜尋到相關資料,顯示國內外常用的機種並不具有一致性,因此宜建立本土性手持動力工具之振動資料庫以提供國內產官學界之應用。


There is a rule to evaluate for daily exposure limit about labor's hand-arm vibration, the Article 302 in Taiwan's Regulation of Installations of Labor Safety and Health. But it is hard to find any information about the acceleration value of hand-arm vibration of domestic hand-held power tools. The goals of this research are to establish an assessing laboratory for domestic hand-held power tool and to establish a database of the acceleration level about domestic hand-held power tools. We use tri-axial vibration accelerator DYTRAN-3143D, NI Co.'s USB-9233 4-Input USB Dynamic Signal Acquisition, sound and vibration tools kit of NI Co., Lab-View for PC base to measure the vibration acceleration level. Then we carry on the weighting according to ISO 5349-1/2001, and appraise if the laborer exposes two hours daily, how many years the laborer will suffer from VP/F. We also use the article 302 in the Taiwan's Regulation of Installations of Labor Safety and Health to evaluate the labor's daily allowable exposure time. In this research, 22 kinds of impact drill which frequently used domestically for their hand-arm vibration exposure were assessed. The results showed that the distribution range of the vibration acceleration of impact drill is 6.04-19.6m/s^2. Evaluation according to our country regulations, its exposure time is 1-4 hours; Evaluation according to ISO 5349-1/2001, if workers use the hand-held power tool for 2 hours daily, then 10% of workers in 2.83-9.85 years have the opportunity to suffer from VWF. Nine kinds (40.1%) of impact drills are unable to find their information in the foreign vibration database. This indicates that the domestic and foreign workers may habitually use different type of hand-held power tool. Therefore, a local vibration database should be established to provide for regulation.
