  • 期刊


Applying Step Loss Function in the Evaluation of Environmental Risk


近年來,由於工業高度的發展及資源過度的利用,以致造成環境污染與自然生態破壞,明顯降低了民眾的生活品質。有鑑於環境污染問題對生態及人類生活所造成的影響及危害,世界各國均著手訂定相關罰則。我國行政院環境保護署制定空氣污染防制法,即針對排放空氣污染物之固定污染源及移動污染源之多寡,採累進方式徵收空氣污染防制費以落實污染者付費之原則。本研究在第一階段擬依據此環保法規,建立適用於環保/空氣污染資料之階梯損失函數(step loss function);第二階段則比較INLF(inverted normal loss function)、田口單邊二次損失函數及修正型損失函數MINLF(modified inverted normal loss function)與階梯損失函數的差異,並進行階梯損失函數與製程能力指標的關係式之推導,以期能藉由望小特性製程能力指標反應製程潛在風險及損失;最後我們以高雄縣某人造樹脂公司提供之氮氧化物(Nox)連續自動監測紀錄資料為例進行統計分析,除了以階梯損失函數估算其所造成之損失外,並對異常違規損失部分提供初步的估計。


Recently, the over-industrialization and excessive use of natural resource have caused both environmental and ecological problems, and thus greatly reduced the living quality of human being. Therefore, almost every country around the world has imposed regulations or laws related to air pollution and/or other environmental contaminations. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of Taiwan has also passed Air Pollution Control Act to control air pollution problems. In this research, we first establish the step loss function based on various penalties stipulated in the Air Pollution Control Act of Taiwan. Secondly, the differences among inverted normal loss function、Taguchi quadratic loss function and modified inverted normal loss function are compared. The relationship between the process capability indices and the step loss function is explored too. Finally, we use the step loss function to estimate the potential loss based on a set of realistic Nox data provided by a chemical company located at Kaohsiung county of Taiwan.


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