  • 期刊


The Mediation Role that How Critical Thinking Perform among Pre-Decisional and Post-Decisional Stages of Decision Making in Physical Activity


目的:本文引用相關實徵性研究文獻,論證動作學習理論所主張目標引導的動作表現應是決策歷程的影響,本文以特定自我調整學習理論作為主軸,就在學習動機、社會互動行為與學習策略做論述。討論:本文乃將目標引導的活動,區分為「前決策階段」(pre-decisional phase)和「後決策階段」(post-decisional phase)兩個階段。前決策階段涉及學習意向的形成,後決策階段涉及學習意向達成後所採取的目標引導行為,在這兩個階段中批判思考則是扮演重要的中介角色。在形成學習意向的前決策階段中,同儕互動行為與動機信念在運思策略的學習中扮演重要的角色。另外,在「後決策階段」方面則是學習者發動、執行和保護行動意向的行動控制,及為完成行動意向,所運用的認知思考與學習策略。結語:雖然目前的自我調整學習理論已經整合學習動機、社會互動行為與學習策略三大部分,即為學習動機產生學習意向,而同儕互動行為則能提供認知發展的有效運思策略,學習策略則提供完成學習意向與社會互動行為的手段。但是至今鮮少有實徵性研究探討學習動作技巧在學習意向與目標完成之間的中介效果。


思考技巧 意向 學習策略 決策


Purpose: In the academics of sport pedagogy, motor skill learning theory has been asserted that goal-directed behavior shall significantly influence how decision-making would involve subsequently. With utilization of relevant references of empirical study concerns as supporting validation in conjunction with adoption of conditional self-regulated learning theory as of the major research prerequisite, this research has been established and conducted for deducing summaries and conclusions as to the relevancy between learning motivation and social interaction responses on the effects of learning strategy. Discussion: In this article, the activities of goal-directed behavior have been divided into two phases, the ”Pre-decisional phase” and the ”Post-decisional phase”. The former will eventuate in the formation of individual learning intention while the latter should exert influence in the goal-directed behavior as adopted after the corresponding learning intention has been finalized. During the two phases, critical thinking has been assumed to function as a significantly important role. Especially in the pre-decisional phase wherein the learning intention has thus been created, what the important role played should be the mutually-reacted behaviors among peer interaction and the how the motivation and belief would counteract with learning ensued by initial ideology. Meanwhile, what the characters demonstrated in the ”post-decisional phase” have been generally been the rationale and thinking commanded by the learners in behavior control concerning the initialization, execution and protection relevant to behavior of individual learning intention. Conclusions: Although the self-regulated learning theory has been commonly agreed to be composed of three major categories, inclusive of learning motivation, social interaction behavior and learning strategies as thus devised accordingly in that the learning motivation initializes the learning intention, and peer interaction can be deemed as thinking effective for promoting recognition development except provided that there still have insignificant empirical researches exploring how such the learning intention and strategy as adopted could have reached how much meditation effect on the corresponding learning intention initialized and the goal attainment on learning motor skill as implemented.




