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Effects of Different Jump-landing Directions on Sagittal Plane Kinematics, Kinetics and Energetics at Lower Extremity Joints


目的:探討不同方向的躍起著地對下肢矢狀面關節運動學、動力學和能量學的影響。方法:招募11名健康男性受試者(年齡24.1±1.0歲、身高172.8±3.7公分、體重71.3±8.3公斤)進行三個方向(前、斜、橫)的躍起著地(單腳著地);利用十台 Vicon紅外線攝影機(200 Hz)和一塊Kistler測力板(1000 Hz)同步收集動作資料和地面反作用力;使用重複量數單因子變異數分析比較三個方向的差異。結果:髖關節著地瞬間角度、最大屈曲角度和膝關節的最大屈曲角度、活動範圍、最大角速度、最大伸展力矩、最大負功率和作功量在前跳和斜跳會產生較大的數值。踝關節著地瞬間角度、活動範圍、最大角速度、最大伸展力矩、最大負功率和作功量在橫跳會產生較大的數值;結論:在執行不同方向的躍起著地時,身體會利用不同的著地策略來因應相同程度的負荷。執行前跳和斜跳時,會採用較柔軟的著地方式,主要以膝關節的伸展肌群來進行能量的吸收;在執行橫跳時,會採用較僵硬的著地方式,並增加踝關節蹠屈肌群的能量吸收。


單腳著地 傷害風險 減震


Purpose: To investigate the effects of different jump-landing directions on sagittal plane kinematics, kinetics and energetics at lower extremity joints. Methods: Eleven healthy males (24.1 ± 1.0 years old; 172.8 ± 3.7 cm; 71.3 ± 8.3 kg) were recruited for this study. All subjects needed to perform different jump-landing protocols (forward, diagonal and lateral), including a double-leg jumping and a single-leg landing (supporting leg only). One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to compare each parameter between three jump-landing directions. Results: Greater hip contact angle, peak hip flexion angle, peak knee flexion angle, knee range of motion, peak knee angular velocity, peak knee extension moment, peak knee negative power and net knee work occurred at forward and diagonal jump-landing directions. However, greater ankle contact angle, ankle range of motion, peak ankle angular velocity, peak ankle plantarflexion moment, peak ankle negative power and net ankle work occurred at lateral jump-landing directions. Conclusions: Our findings indicated that landing strategy changed across different jump-landing directions in a way that maintained the same level of shock attenuation via altering body position. We proposed that the knee extensors showed major contributions to energy absorption during soft landing strategy for forward and diagonal directions, and increased the use of ankle plantarflexors to energy absorption during stiff landing strategy for lateral direction.


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