  • 期刊

The Dynamics of Structure and Agency of Basketball Development in Taiwan: A Strategic Relations Theory Perspective



目的:本研究以策略關係理論探討臺灣籃球發展進程中,結構與行動者間的策略互動關係,乃至其與結構間的交互影響。方法:採行質性研究方法中雙個案設計,運用半結構式訪談與文獻內容分析法,輔以Nvivo 9質性分析軟體,進行資料編碼與分析。結果:中華職籃(CBA)封館與超級籃球聯賽(SBL)成立實為臺灣籃球發展動態的關鍵事件與進程。結論:中華職籃封館停賽的結果形塑了臺灣籃球後續發展脈絡並影響其管理決策之制定,特別是體委會、球團及中華籃協決定採用「特殊的」半職業聯賽模式成立超級籃球聯賽,造成日後營運的潛在問題。而政府部門或私人資源(體委會的政策導引或轉播單位的權利金)得以促進或阻礙體系之中利害關係人的抉擇。爰此,在策略-關係理論架構下,行動者的反思與結構的策略選擇性有利於特定的策略,並闡明臺灣籃球發展體系結構的一致性或不一致性;綜而言之,管理決策在策略選擇情境脈絡中,促進或阻礙了相關作為,並產生特定結果。


Purpose: This study sought to investigate the dynamics of structure and agency of basketball development in Taiwanese society by a strategic-relational approach. Methods: The empirical work drew on a qualitative case-study approach, which was based on documentary materials and semi-structured interviews. Interview transcripts and documents were subject to coding employing Nvivo 9 qualitative data analysis software, and coding and analysis were undertaken employing a content analysis approach. Results: The collapse of the Chinese Basketball Alliance (CBA) was a critical incident and the emergence of the Super Basketball League (SBL) was a critical process for the dynamic development of Taiwanese basketball. Conclusions: The study illustrates how the outcome of one set of struggles (the collapse of CBA) shapes the context for subsequent management decision decisions, specifically, the decision for the Sport Affairs Council, the SBL clubs and the Chinese Taipei Basketball Association decided to set up the SBL with a 'unique' semi-professional structure became a potential-problematic decision for its operation, and it also demonstrates how government or private resources (Sport Affairs Council's policy orientation or sport channel's TV rights fee), as a strategic context, constrains and/or facilitates the choices available to stakeholders. Theoretically, the dialectic relationship between strategic, reflexive actors and the strategic selectivity of the context of decision-making which privileges certain strategies and tactics, and explains the structural coherence (and/or patterns of incoherence) which have emerged in the evolving nature of the operation of basketball in Taiwan. In short, management decisions are taken in strategically selective contexts which facilitate and constrain certain actions and thus outcomes.


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