  • 期刊


The Effect of Creativity on E-Learning Media and Tactical Assignment in the Fifth-Grade Students


目的:透過羽球戰術教學在不同數位學習媒體與戰術作業的創思策略下,探究對國小五年級學生創造思考能力與創造性傾向之影響。方法:採用準實驗研究法經立意取樣挑選臺北市某國小五年級四個班級學生共112人。將四班隨機分配至兩種數位學習媒體(3D/影片(V))×兩種戰術作業(創造(C)/模仿比賽(I)),共四組(3DC, 3DI, VC, VI),進行每週一次,共四週教學,實驗前後以威廉斯創造力評量組合測驗進行評估,資料以相依樣本t考驗及單因子變異數分析進行分析(α = .05)。結果:一、組內比較:3DC與VC在流暢力、開放性、獨創力、精密力、標題有顯著提升。二、組間比較:變通力3DI比VI有顯著效果;精密力VI比3DI、VC有顯著效果;標題VI比VC有顯著效果。三、在創造性傾向方面,各組間皆無顯著差異。結論:結合創思策略(變異法與重組法)的數位學習媒體能提升學生流暢力、開放性、獨創力、精密力、標題表現;四組在流暢力、開放性、獨創力的培養上有相同的成效;模仿比賽寫作與使用CSTB創作比賽在精密力效果一樣好;因情意刺激不足造成創造性傾向能力未能提升。


Purpose: This study investigated the effects of different creative thinking teaching strategies on improving students’ divergent thinking and feeling through badminton tactics instruction. Methods: Through purposive sampling, four classes (n = 112) from an elementary school in Northern Taiwan were assigned to one of the four groups (3DC, 3DI, VC, VI); the e-learning media group: 3D and Video (V) and the tactical assignment group: Creative (C) and Imitation (I). Each group received one of the four treatments once a week for four weeks. "Test of Divergent Thinking" and "Test of Divergent Feeling" were used to collect data. Paired-sample t test and one-way ANOVA were applied to analyze the data (α = .05). Results: 1. Within-group comparison: 3DC and VC had significant improvement on dimensions of fluency, openness, originality, elaboration, and title. 2. Between-group comparison: 3DI was significantly higher than VI in flexibility; VI was significantly higher than 3DI and VC in elaboration; VI was significantly higher than VC in title. 3. In terms of creative tendency there was no significant difference in the within-group and between-group. Conclusion: Creative thinking teaching strategies (examples of change, organized random search) combines with the e-learning media increasing student’s fluency, openness, originality, elaboration, and title; the four groups had equal effect in the cultivation of fluency, openness and originality; writing imitation game and creating games through CSTB had equal effect in elaboration. The divergent feeling dimensions were not affected due to inadequate stimulus in affection situation of.


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