  • 期刊


The construction of a career developmental counseling model for Taiwanese athletes


緒論:在過去數十年以來,運動員的生涯發展已逐漸受到國際各界的重視,相關研究先後從不同的觀點和脈絡來探討運動員的生涯發展、生涯轉換、運動員退役,甚至是運動員生涯輔導的理論與實務等,其已然成為全世界共同聚焦的議題。在我國,運動員生涯發展與輔導近年來亦已受到相當程度的關注,儘管如此,實際上當前我國仍未有針對運動員生涯發展及輔導的系統化知識和策略架構,能有效的提供相關單位加以落實。爰此,本研究旨在建構臺灣本土運動員生涯發展輔導模式,研究係透過現役與成功生涯轉換優秀運動員之訪談研究,同時整合跨領域專家觀點,建構臺灣運動員生涯輔導模式之基礎架構與內涵。方法:一、採用訪談法,針對立意取樣之臺灣優秀現役運動員9 位、退役運動員從事體育相關工作者4 位,以及退役運動員從事非體育相關工作者3 位,共計16 位研究參與者,進行個人深度訪談;訪談所得資料經逐字稿謄寫、主題性編碼等程序,並採用參與者檢核、同儕檢核、表明研究歷程等方法進行檢核,確立本研究所得資料之信度與效度;二、邀請跨領域專家學者6 位,進行專家焦點團體討論,針對本研究建構模式進行二次專家意見蒐集與統整分析。結果:一、臺灣本土運動員生涯發展輔導模式,以社會、生活、自我管理、就業及退休5 個關鍵面向為基礎,其下收斂為20 項關鍵因素,建構出生涯輔導的基礎建議模型;二、跨領域專家學者觀點強調,運動員生涯發展與轉換為一連續歷程,必須與社會生活聯結;在生涯輔導上,必須涵蓋社會生活適應與學習、個人生活管理學習,及積極面對此兩者的緊密連結。結論:生涯轉換是運動員從競技生涯轉換到退役生涯的重要關鍵過程,本研究發現,生涯轉換的範疇遍及個人生命整體各面向,對照過往相關研究及本研究結果,可歸納為社會、生活、自我管理、就業及退休五大面向。從實際需求面而言,推動運動員生涯發展輔導應考量與上述面向進行連結,並藉由本研究從個人內至社會層面所發掘之生涯輔導模式內涵價值加以整合,以做為臺灣優秀運動員未來生涯輔導實務的規劃參照。


Introduction: In the past decades, the issue of athletes' career development has been received a growing attention in international research communities. Research on athletes' career development, career transitions, and athletic retirement, as well as career counseling for athletes were conducted with various aspects and contexts in support of the development of athletes' career counseling system. While career counseling for athletes has recently become a critical issue in Taiwan, there are very few systemic frameworks with knowledge-based that can assists government in promoting career counseling projects for athletes. By considering this fact, the purpose of this study was to construct and verify a career developmental counseling model for elite Taiwanese athletes. The model was developed based on experts' suggestions and athletes' demand and anticipation. Methods: 1. Using a purposeful sampling technique, interview data was obtained from 9 active elite players and 8 retired elite athletes. Participants' verification, peer checking, and enunciating research process were conducted to confirm reliability and validity. 2. To develop the model, the focus group technique was used to analyze and categorize the opinions of 6 experts. Results: 1. The athletes who have well-adapted lives indicate that there will be a good career development. But "social adaption" has a negative influence on "career orientation". 2. Data yielded aspects of the athletes' transition that can be classified into 5 dimensions and 20 key factors. The 5 dimensions of the model included: society, life, self-management, employment and retirement. 3. The experts suggested that career development is a process and emphasized that athletes could not transition from sports without a social connection; thus, career development counseling for elite athletes should involve advisement on social adaption and self-management. Conclusion: This study found that career transition was a crucial turning point for elite athletes. A career development counseling model was designed, which consisted of a framework organized across 5 dimensions. The 5 dimensions of this model can be used as a tool of career planning to be used with elite Taiwanese athletes.




Ni, Y. L., Hsu, S. C., & Chen, L. H. (2019). Does Career Uncertainty Harms Student-Athletes' Life Satisfaction? The Buffering Role of Hope in Female Student-Athletes. 大專體育學刊, 21(1), 47-58. https://doi.org/10.5297/ser.201903_21(1).0004
