  • 期刊


The influence of simulation match on respiratory muscle of university taekwondo athletes


緒論:跆拳道是我國奪金的重要運動項目,其運動屬性為短時高衝擊的武術技擊運動,除具備純熟的攻擊技術之外,身體素質也必須擁有良好的結構。呼吸肌疲勞已被證實發生在耐力型運動項目上且會影響運動表現,但對於爆發型運動項目的影響為何則較不明確。因此,本研究目的欲探討一、呼吸肌疲勞對大專跆拳道選手踢擊表現之影響,二、跆拳道模擬賽對呼吸肌疲勞的影響。方法:本篇研究屬於探索型前瞻性設計,以21名大專跆拳道選手作為受試者。第一部分實驗於2016年12月進行呼吸肌疲勞及踢擊表現之測量。第二部分實驗於2017年3月進行模擬賽前後測量,測量數據包含最大吸氣壓及自覺呼吸困難程度。統計檢定方面是以獨立樣本曼惠特尼檢定及魏克生符號檢定來比較受試者的呼吸肌疲勞對踢擊表現的影響和模擬賽前後的參數對呼吸肌疲勞的影響,顯著水準訂為p < .05。結果:第一實驗,經過踢擊測試後,性別、跆拳道學齡分組及身高分組在正常踢擊狀態下呈現顯著差異,其餘變項均無顯著差異。第二實驗,經過模擬賽後,最大吸氣壓平均下降了9.48%(前:93.73 ± 26.28 cmH_2O;後:85.81 ± 31.31 cmH_2O,p = .001),而自覺呼吸困難程度(前:0.67 ± 0.80;後:4.24 ± 1.55,p=.03),則有顯著上升。結論:本研究發現性別、跆拳道學齡及身高影響大專跆拳道選手之踢擊表現,然而單獨疲勞呼吸肌對踢擊表現影響並不顯著。而選手經過模擬賽前後測量發現會產生呼吸肌的疲勞現象及自覺感受呼吸的困難度增加。


Introduction: Taekwondo was an important sport event to get gold medal in our country, its motion properties pertaining to the martial art with short-term high impact, in addition to possess a skilled attack techniques, physical quality must also have a good structure. Respiratory muscle fatigue had been confirmed in Endurance Sports and affected the sports performance, but it was still uncertain on the impact of Power Sports. Therefore, this study was aimed to explore the following issues: 1. the effects of respiratory muscle fatigue on the kicking performance of university Taekwondo athletes. 2. The effects of Taekwondo simulation match on respiratory fatigue muscles. Methods: This study was an exploratory and prospective designed, a total of 21 college Taekwondo athletes participated in this study as subjects. The first part of the experiment was carried out in December 2016 on the measurements for effects of respiratory muscle fatigue and kicking performance. The second part of the experiment was performed in March 2017 on the measurements before and after a simulation match. The measurement data included the maximal inspiratory mouth pressure and the degree of conscious breathing difficulties. Mann-Whitney U test with independent sample and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used as statistical verification in order to compare the effects of respiratory muscle fatigue on the kicking performance and the effects on respiratory muscle before and after a simulation match of the subjects, with a standard of significance at p < .05. Results: In the first part of the experiment, after the kicking test, the variable of gender, Taekwondo age group and height group showed significant differences in the normal kicking state, yet the remaining variables were not significantly different. In the second part of experiment, the maximal inspiratory mouth pressure average decreased by 9.48% (before: 93.73 ± 26.28 cmH_2O; after: 85.81 ± 31.31 cmH_2O, p = .001) after the simulation competition, while the degree of conscious breathing difficulties had significant increases (before: 0.67 ± 0.80; after: 4.24 ± 1.55, p = .03). Conclusion: The study shows that the variable of gender, Taekwondo age group and height affect the kicking techniques performance of university Taekwondo athletes, yet the single respiratory muscle fatigue has no significant effect on kick techniques performance. However, through the measurements before and after a simulation match, it was found that respiratory muscle fatigue will be produced and self-perceived breathing difficulty will increase.


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