  • 期刊


Motor Unit Number Index: Estimation of the Number of Motor Units in the First Dorsal Interosseous Muscle of Normal Subjects







The purpose of this study was to estimate the number of motor unit in the first dorsal interosseous muscle by using the routine electrodiagnostic techniques. 34 young adult volunteers was included in this study, each subject recevied the following procedures on the first dorsal interosseous muscle: 1. Surface recording of the total surface area, the area under the negative phase, peak amplitude and the base line to negative peak amplitude of the maximal evoked muscle action potential. 2. Same recording parameters but change the recording electrode to concentric needle. 3. Motor unit potential analysis with concentric needle to get the averaged surface area and amplitude of single motor unit. Motor unit number index was derived by dividing the surface area/amplitude of the maximal tcsponsc by the single motor unit area/amplitude, the indexes derived from different parameters were compared to the true anatomical calculation done by Feinstein. The result disclosed that the motor unit number index derived from surface recording total area divided by single unit area (111) was close to anatomical data (119). There is a fixed ratio between the total surface area and the area under negative phase, peak amplitude and baseline to negative peak amplitude. The clinical application of motor tunit number index and factors contributing the these results will be further discussed.
