  • 期刊


Prosthetic Fitting for Limb Amputee in 15 Years (1971-1985)



台大醫院復健科義肢室於1970年成立,從1971年起至1985年共15年間,有665截肢病例接受義肢的裝置,除了307倒來自烏腳病截肢患者已另有報告外,其餘358例則為本文調查的對象。其中男性278例,女性80例,男女之比為3.5:1;上肢截肢105例,下肢截肢198例。 有關義肢的處方,膝上截肢患者以使用方形外擋套筒附加希列遜腰帶(quadrilateral socket with Selesian band)為最多,而義肢之膝關節,在1976年以前,則皆用外骨骼單軸型,但1976年以後,均使用內骨骼膝關節。膝下截肢患者以使用膝韌帶載重型套筒(patellar tendon bearing socket)為最多;至於義足方面,則以SACH足(solid-ankle-cushion-heel-foot)為最常用。 在上肢義肢的裝置方面,1981年以後病例數遽增;肘下截肢患者以使用標準型套筒為最多,至於末端裝置(terminaldevice),前幾年皆以處方勾(hook)為主,1981年以後除了勾以外,常另外給予機械手(mechanicalhand)。




The prosthetic workshop of National Taiwan University Hospital was established in 1970. There were 665 amputees recieved prosthetic fitting at the workshop from the beginning of 1971 to the end of 1985. Among these amputees, 307 patients were the victims of black-foot-disease, and has ben reported previously. Therefore, the present study included the rest of 358 amputees, 278 males and 80 females with male/female ratio 3.5: 1. The site of extremity involved were 160 in right and 198 in left, which revealed no significant difference statistically (p>0.05). In total 358 cases, there were 105 upper extremity amputees and 253 lower extremity amputees. Below-knee, above-knee, below-elbow and above-elbow amputations were the commonest level of amputation in the present study. Quadrilateral socket was mostly used for the above-knee amputee, with either accompanied with a Selesian band or solely with a suction valve for suspension. Before 1976, only the exoskeletal, single axis and constant friction knee are available. However, endoskeletal knee with stance phase locking could be provided after 1976, which was made locally. The patellar tendon bearing (PTB) socket and SACH (solid-ankle-cushion-heel) foot were the most frequently prescribed for the below-knee amputees. It was found that the number of upper extremity amputees had been increased for the prosthetic fitting since 1981, probably for the reasons of the allowance of payment for the prosthesis by labor insurance from that year, and the increasing rate of trauma after the escalation of industry in this country. The hook still remained as basic terminal device for the upper extremity amputees, although the mechanical hand were more and more commonly prescribed after 1981.


limb amputation prosthetic fitting
