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腦中風病人表面溫度 ,神經傳導和肌電波之研究

Surface Temperature, Nerve Conduction and Electromyography Studies in Hemiplegia






In 30 hemiplegic patients due to cerebrovascular accident, surface, motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV), distal latency and amplitude of median and ulnar nerves were determined. After computer analysis, the data revealed that the surface temperatures of the affected side are lower than those of the unaffected side (32.2 ±0.6℃ ,33.8 ±0.9℃,P< 0.05), the MNCV is significantly lower in the affected side than in the unaffected side (Median:53.3±5.4m/sec,55.16.1 m/sec, P< 0.038. Ulnar:53.7±4.9 m/sec.56.65.6 m/sec, P< 0.007),both motor and sensory amplitudes of median and ulnar nerves are lower in the affected side than in the unaffected side but no significant difference in sensory and motor distal latencies of both median and ulnar nerves are present. According to the finding of electromyographic study, about 53% of hemiplegic patients whose on set were less than 3 months had fibrillation or positive sharp waves. However only about 33% of patients whose on set were more than 6 months hand fibillation or positive waves. The findings suggest that the spastic wrist flexion may not produce carpal tunnel syndrome but the existence of a lower motor neuron abnormality can be induced by upper motor neuron lesion.


CVA NCV EMG surface temperature
