  • 期刊


New Design Functional Foot Orthosis in Flat Foot



功能性足底板(functional foot orthosis)近年來廣泛應用於因生物力學和結構排列不良造成的下肢功能障礙。其種類很多,目前製作功能性足底板的材料可分為四大類:第一類主要是提供吸震緩衝(cushion)作用如Aliplast和Plastazote。第二類可以抵抗剪力(anti- shear)提供足底減震及緩衝作用如PPT和Spenco。第三類對長時間反複的撞擊有非常高的能量吸收作用,而且耐用如Silicone和Polyurethane。第四類屬硬式足底板(rigid orthosis)應用於難以糾正的畸形,可以提供足型控制和支撐。 本研究共收集9位扁平足患者,以石膏作簡易取模,並使用第二類的PPT和第三類的Silicone材料製作功能性足底板,以PPT為底而以Silicone為填充物,將距骨下關節(Subtalar joint)維持在正中位置(neutral position)。追蹤時間為二個月,結果顯示病人在疼痛及步行距離都有改善,在使用上也感覺舒服。由此可見這種快速製作及簡便成形的足底板,對扁平足患者有治療效益,值得推廣。


The functional foot orthoses have been used as an important adjunct recently in the treatment of lower extremity dysfunction related to poor mechanics and alignment. Many different types of foot orthotics have been designed clinically. Commercially, insole materials are divided into four classes. Class I materials such as Aliplast and Plastazote provide cushioning for plantar surface while class Ⅱ materials such as PPT and Spenco act as shock absorber and provide antishearing effect. The class Ⅲ materials such as silicone and polyuethane are to absorb high energy impaction and class IV such as rigid orthosis provides foot control and support. In this study, a new functional foot orthosis was designed for the flat foot with an easy making method. The orthosis was made from a cast molded in the subtalar neutral position. PPT was used as insole material and silicone as posting material. Nine subjects with 18 flat feet were treated. After 2 months of treatment, pain and walking ability had improved. All patients expressed satisfactory level of comfort and effectiveness.


