  • 期刊

Pediatric Intracarotid Sodium Amytal (ISA) Procedure in Determiination of Cerebral Dominance for Language and Memory Function - Preliminary Prport

以兒童勁動脈內sodium amytal注射(瓦達試驗)決定語言及記憶功能優勢大腦半球之初步經驗







The intracarotid sodium amytal (ISA) procedure, introduced by Wada in 1949, is used to identify cerebral dominance for language and memory function in preparation for epilepsy surgery such as unilateral temporal lobectomy . Five cases with complex partial seizure, four boys and one girl, were included in this study, Their ages of onset ranged from 3 to11 years old. Frequency of seizure ranged from 2 to3 fits per month to 50 to 60 fits per day. Four cases were right-handers, one case was left-hander. All of them had normal intelligence. MRI scan of three cases showed positive findings, In continuous EEG/video monitoring, epileptogenic foci were over right temporal region in four cases, and over left temporal region in one case, ISA procedure revealed left speech dominance in four cases and right speech dominance in one case, As to cerebral dominance for memory function, there were no significant lateralization regarding both verbal and nonverbal memory in four cases. Four cases, three with left speech dominance and one with right sreech dominance, finally recrived unilateral temporal lobectomy with partial removal of hippocampus contralateral to the speech dominant hemisphere. There were neither aphasia noted postoperatively, which gave indirect evidence to the accuracy of ISA procedure. Severity of seizure reduced markedly in these four cases after operation.
