  • 期刊


Sexual Life of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury


脊髓損傷患者常會伴隨生理及心理的障礙,這些障礙對於其性生活必然產生某些影響。為明瞭國內脊髓損傷患者的性生活情形,本研究分析137位脊髓損傷患者回答之問卷,以瞭解其受傷後的性生活及接受性諮詢的情形。受傷後患者有性生活比率為32%,受傷部位與嚴重程度為主要決定因素;性生活最活躍的年齡層在30歲至40歲之間,男女之間並無差異。患者對於性生活的滿意度與重要性,分別居各日常生活項目中第三位和第六位。女性、未婚及受傷程度輕者,對於性生活有較高的滿意度。本研究中脊髓損傷患者離婚率為4.4%,皆發生於受傷後,受訪案例並無受傷後結婚者。未婚患者中13%有性生活,多是年輕的兩下肢麻痺患者。性生活方面關心事項以面對伴侶時如何克服心理障礙居第一位,年輕未婚男性患者則較關心生育問題。 雖然83%患者都曾接受過復健治療,但是對患者的性生活並無明顯幫助,55%受訪者認為需要性諮詢,即使有性生活的患者也有50%表示還需要性諮詢,顯示國內復健醫療人員對脊髓損傷患者所給予的性諮詢方面應該加強。


脊髓損傷 性生活 性諮詢 婚姻


Most patients with a spinal cord injury have some physical and psychological disabilities, which usually interfere with their sexual lives. In order to investigate the sexual activities of spinal cord injured patients in Taiwan, this study analysed the completed questionnaires of 137 persons (45.9%) and the letters of 298 spinal cord injured patients. The sexual activity rate was 32% and the major determining factors were lesion sites and severity of injury. Persons who had the most active sexual life were those between 30 to 40 years old. There was no difference in sexual activity between males and females. Sexual life ranked third in terms of satisfaction and sixth in terms of importance. Single females and mildly injured patients had higher satisfaction in sexual activities. In our study, the divorce rate was 4%, and all occurred after the injury. There were no post-injury marriages. Thirteen percent of unmarried patients had a sexual life. Most patients were young and paraplegic. The most important concern in the patient’s sexual life was how to cope emotionally with their disability. Young unmarried male patients were more concerned about fertility. Although 83% of patients with spinal cord injury had accepted medical rehabilitation, the effect of the rehabilitation in their sexual life was not significant. Fifty-five percent of respondents needed sexual consultation. Even among patients who have a sexual life, half of them needed sexual consultation. Educational interventions for sexual rehabilitation are necessary for rehabilitation professional s as well as patients with spinal cord injury. Although 83% of patients with spinal cord injury had accepted medical rehabilitation, the effect of the rehabilitation in their sexual life was not significant. Fifty-five percent of respondents needed sexual consultation. Even among patients who have a sexual life, half of them needed sexual consultation. Educational interventions for sexual rehabilitation are necessary for rehabilitation professional s as well as patients with spinal cord injury.


