  • 期刊


Assessment of Anthropometric Factors of Hand and Wrist in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



腕隧道症候群是最常見的壓迫性神經病變之一。根據以往學者的研究得知,腕隧道症候群之臨床徵狀與患者之年齡、性別、工作性質及身高體重等因素皆有關。而患者本身因先天腕隧道處結構異常,也較容易造成腕隧道症候群。 本研究以21位有明顯臨床症狀且經電學診斷證實為腕隧道症候群患者,及18位正常人,給予手部及腕部解剖構造測量,檢查其手長度、手寬度、手掌寬度、手掌厚度、腕寬度、腕厚度及腕關節活動度等參數。研究結果發現腕隧道症候群患者的腕比例及掌比例較正常人大,且腕關節活動度之掌腹面彎曲及橈骨向偏離角度皆比正常人小。故先天手腕部的結構異常,加上後天的使用不當,可能是導致腕隧道症候群的主要原因。


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common entrapment neuropathy. It has been associated with many conditions, including age, gender, work and body mass index etc. The aim of the study is trying to ass-ess the anthropometric factors and range of motion of hand and wrist in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Twenty-one patients with carpal tunnel syndrome approved by clinical and electrophysiol-ogical studies, and eighteen normal controls attended this study. Anthropometric factors includling hand width, hand length, palmar length, palmar thickness, wrist width, wrist thickness and range of motion of wrist joints were assessed in the patient and control groups. The results revealed that the wrist ratio and palm ratio in patients were greater than those in normal controls. The motion range of wrist palmar flexion and radial deviation were smaller in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome than those in normal controls. Besides, a correlation relationship was found between the wrist ratio and the sensory nerve conduction velocity at index finger to wrist segments (r=-0.753, p=0.0001). The conclusion was made that anthropometric factors and abuse of hand and wrist were the major risk factors of carpal tunnel syndrome.
