



Myofascial pain syndrome is very common in clinical practice. It is characterized by the existence of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which is a hypersensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers. In general, active MTrPs should be treated conservatively (non-invasive treatments including physical therapy) prior to the consideration of aggressive therapy (invasive treatments including injection and surgery). The most important strategy of MTrP therapy is to find out the etiological lesion that causes the activation of MTrPs and to treat the underlying pathology. If the treatment of underlying etiological lesion is not appropriate, the MTrP cannot be inactivated completely, or can only be temporarily inactivated. In this article, we reviewed various methods of physical therapy for MTrPs based on the literature and our clinical experiences. These treatments included mechanical approach (manual therapy, spray and stretch, massage, manipulation, dry needling, therapeutic exercise, etc.), thermotherapy, cryotherapy, electrotherapy, and laser therapy. Combination of two or more methods listed above is commonly used in clinical practice. The basic principle and clinical application for each treatment were also discussed.


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