  • 期刊


A Study of the Tourism Competitiveness of Kinmen


觀光旅遊活動具替換效應,即旅客在同一時間內僅能選擇一個地區旅遊。因此,就金門觀光市場而言,國外觀光市場、台灣本島觀光市場與金門觀光市場形成競爭態勢。本文擬以五力分析之替代品的威脅(Porter, 1985)來描述金門觀光競爭態勢(競爭優勢的程度),即台灣旅遊及國外旅遊之價格與旅遊品質不斷改進,以及旅遊者之選擇轉換成本降低時,對金門觀光就產生威脅的情況。本文針對到金門旅遊之旅客,以問卷調查方式蒐集資料,來比較金門旅遊與台灣旅遊及金門旅遊與國外旅遊,在一般旅遊之重要條件上的優劣勢;旅遊目的地意象是影響旅客選擇到金門旅遊之關鍵因素,本文透過旅遊前及旅遊後對金門特有觀光資源之吸引力與滿意度分析,以瞭解特有觀光資源的發展潛力(隱藏而未讓人知之資源)。藉由競爭態勢分析及資源潛力分析,以瞭解金門市場的本質,並擬定金門觀光市場發展競爭優勢之策略。


Environ Generally speaking, tourism activities are of a substitutionary nature. In other words, when a tourist considers planning a trip, s/he cannot visit more than one place at a time. So the Kinmen tourist market exists in competition with that of Taiwan or abroad. Based on the theory of ”threatening of substitutes” (Porter 1985), this research describes the tourism competitiveness of Kinmen on condition that the change of prices, qualities or costs of the tourist market of Taiwan may impose a direct threat on that of Kinmen. Utilizing a questionnaire to survey individual travel experiences in terms of specified service quality items, this research compares the advantages of Kinmen with Taiwan and with destinations abroad. In another aspect, due to tourism destination image is one of the major elements influencing a tourist's priorities to travel, this study also analyzes tourists' satisfaction and the attractiveness of the tourism resources of Kinmen to further understand the potential of Kinmen tourist market. Through an analysis of tourism competitiveness, this paper provides better understanding of the basic value of the Kinmen market, as well as proposes advantageous strategies for developing tourism in Kinmen.


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