  • 期刊


Social Distance and Cross-Strait Relations: Taiwanese Attitudes toward the Independence/Unification Issue


本文旨在檢證臺灣民眾如何看待中國,以及他們的心理認知的社會距離,是否會影響其統獨立場。作者採取社會心理學的分析途徑,以「社會距離」(social distance)與「社會認同理論」(social identity theory)作為研究架構,並輔以「關係模式理論」(relational models theory),建構兩個變數,其分別是:臺灣民眾將中國視為「家人關係」或「夥伴關係」,與臺灣民眾認為中國將臺灣視為「家人關係」或「夥伴關係」,從而瞭解這些民眾的統獨立場。本文採用「2019年中國印象」電話調查資料,將民眾劃分為四種類型,以「關係認知」作為「社會距離」的代理變數,藉由「多項勝算對數模型」(multinomial logit model)探討四種類型與統獨立場的相關性。實證資料顯示,關係認知越近的民眾,越傾向統一;然而,關係認知越遠的民眾,卻不必然會傾向獨立。這印證社會認同理論和諸多實證研究的經驗:當個人認知的社會距離較近,選擇接納其他團體時,傾向將其他團體視為「內團體」(ingroup),並產生互惠的期待與較強烈的意見表達;另一方面,當個人選擇疏遠其他團體時,傾向將其他團體歸類為「外團體」(outgroup),卻不必然會貶低其他團體,而在統獨問題上採取較為模糊的立場。


This study probes Taiwanese perception of social distance toward China and its impact on their political attitudes toward the issue of independence/unification. Taking advantage of social distance and social identity theories from social psychology, we hypothesize that the Taiwanese people with a smaller perceived social distance toward China would indicate an inclination for China unification; otherwise, they would prefer Taiwan's independence. We modify the relational models theory to construct two variables to approximate social distance: we ask respondents first whether they regard China as a family member or a partner, and second, whether China views Taiwan as a family member or a partner. To examine our arguments, we utilize the "2019 Survey of the Image of China" to investigate the association between different types of relational cognitions and their impacts on cross-Strait relations. The findings by and large confirm the validity of the relational models theory, revealing that the Taiwanese electorate is prone to support unification when it perceives a closer social distance toward China. The results also demonstrate that those who are willing to accept China as an in-group tend to expect reciprocity from China. In contrast, those perceiving a greater social distance toward China exhibit ambivalent independence/unification preferences; they express less intimate attitudes but also do not exhibit great hostility toward China.


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