  • 期刊


Installation Damage of Woven Geogrids



編織式地工加勁格網為工程應用上之新興紡織產品,其已廣泛的運用於土木營建工程。本研究採用極限抗拉強度為100kN/m、150kN/m之加勁格網進行施工機械損傷之試驗。試驗進行方式為將加勁格網經向肋條分別與夯實機行走方向平行或垂直兩種形式擺置於夯實基底,試驗土壤共包括五種不同土料,其回填每層厚度分別為15 cm (6英吋)或30 cm ( 12英吋),回填土整平壓實後再挖除覆土取出加勁格網,然後採用美國地工合成材料研究協會(GRI)所編定之地工加勁格網試驗規範GGI及GG2進行單肋條抗拉強度、延伸率及結點強度等試驗。試驗結果顯示加勁格網之折減係數與回填土方種類或回填夯實土方之厚度有適度之關連性。大致上土壤粒徑愈大及其顆粒愈具稜角則其施工損傷愈明顯,滾壓方向對加勁格網之施工損傷之差異性不甚明顯。粘土因粒徑較小,其肋條抗拉強度之折減率較低約為6%至11%,砂土之折減率約為15%,含適度細顆粒土壤之礫石級配其肋條抗拉強度折減率約為15%,而礫石性土壤之折減率則介於20%至30%,因此建議本土化之折減係數因土壤種類不同其大致介於1.05至1.4之間。


A comprehensive installation damage study of geogrids was performed. The ultimate strength of the test geogrids are 150 kN/m and 100 kN/m. The test soils included a low plasticity clay, a poorly graded sand, a clayey gravel with sand, a silty gravel with sand, and a well graded gravel. The test geogrid coupons were embedded and compacted in the test soils with the lift thickness of 15 cm or 30 cm, and then the coupons were carefully retrieved from the test site for laboratory tests. The laboratory tests included the single rib tensile and junction strength tests in accordance with GRI GG1 and GG2 test standards. The results of the tests indicated that soil type and lift thickness have some effects on the reduction rate of rib tensile strength and junction strength. The compaction roller moving direction has no significant effect on the geogrid tensile and junction strength. Based upon the test results, the reduction rate of geogrid tensile strength for clayey soil, sandy soil, silty gravel, and well graded gravel are 6% to 11%, 15%, 15%, and 20% to 30%, respectively. The reduction factor is significantly related to soil type and vanes from 1.05 to 1.4.


Grogrid Installation Damage Geosynthetics


Tsai, M. C. (2011). 蒸汽腔體均溫板之研製與測試 [doctoral dissertation, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00484
