  • 期刊


A Study on Tenacity and Elongation of Coweaving Rib - Warped Fabrics



本研究在於將傳統羅紋橫編針織物中加入梭織結構,使得在針圈中同時 織入經紗與緯紗,改善羅紋織物穩定性不良的問題,並補強原針織物的強度。 使羅紋織物同時具有梭織結構及良好的穩定性。本文中以聚酯長絲、與尼龍長 絲織製不同組織結構之織物,並分析比較織物在經向及緯向的最大拉伸斷裂 強度及伸度。 實驗結果發現,以聚酯長絲與尼龍長絲織製的針、梭複合織物,在經向 強力方面,分別下降了約10.80 %與27.90 % ;而在緯向強力方面,分別增加 了約125.00 %與86.70 % '縮小了羅紋織物在經向及緯向強度的差距。在經向伸度方面,分別下降了約89.51 %與61.71 % ;而在緯向伄度方面,分別下降了約93.73 %與90.25 % '喪失了針織物原有良好伸縮性的顯著特性。


In this thesis, we added a woven mechanism in a flat kI訂ting machine to inlet the loop with warp and weft in the fabric formation. This improvement not only can solve the problem of instability in size owing to the loosed loops of rib stitch but also can increase the tensile of the fabric. In this study, we discussed the different textures of the fabrics with the materials of polyester filaments and nylon filaments. The tensile and elongation in the warp and weft drections were analyzed. The experiments show that the tensile strength in the warp direction decreases about 10.80%and 27.90%, in the weft direction increases about 125.00%and 86.70%of the coweaving rib-warped fabrics made with polyester filaments and nylon filaments,this shorten the difference between the tensile strength in the warp and weft directions in the ridb stitch fabric.The elongation in the warp direction decreases about 89.51%and 61.71%, in the weft direction decreases about 93.73%and 90.25%of the coweaving rib-warped fabrics made with polyester filaments and nylon filaments,this loosed the good performance in the knitted fabrics' elasticity.
