  • 期刊


The Influence of Prior Contact on Determining Preferences toward Attributes of Individuals with Disabilities: A Conjoint Analysis


本研究旨在嘗試應用聯合分析法(conjoint analysis),探討不同水準身心障礙接觸經驗者在對身心障礙者特質偏好上是否差異,在決定偏好時對身心障礙者特質訊息之考量程度是否不同。以南部某國立師範大學特殊教育導論網路課程學生293人為對象,在社區生活輔導活動的情境,要求研究對象在聯合分析法所發展出的16張「社區生活適應個案卡」,依輔導意願的高低進行排序,並使用「身心障礙者接觸經驗量表」(Wang, 1998)及接觸障礙類別數目經驗問項來了解研究對象之接觸經驗水準。研究發現無論有、無接觸經驗的研究對象,在對身心障礙者特質水準偏好順序上相當一致,同時在決定偏好順序時,障礙相關特質訊息的相對重要性皆顯著高於非障礙相關特質訊息。然而,研究也發現有接觸經驗組之年齡特質訊息重要性提高,且接觸障礙類別數目越多者,越能同時考慮較多元的特質訊息,且可多加考慮非障礙相關特質訊息。


The present study investigated the impact of prior contact on determining preferences toward attributes of individuals with disabilities. The method of conjoint analysis was used to develop an instrument for measuring attitude-a card set consisting of 16 cards. The 293 participants, members of an introductory class on special education at a National Normal University in southern Taiwan, were asked to sort this card set based on their personal preferences for working with persons with disabilities in a hypothetical companion program. The participants' degree of prior contact experiences with persons with disabilities was also investigated using a Chinese Contact with Disabled Persons Scale. Results of the conjoint analysis showed that: (1) the participant group with no prior personal contact and the participant group with prior contact showed very similar orders of preference with regard to attributes of persons with disabilities; (2) the relative importance scores for disability-related attributes were found to be significantly higher than those for disability-unrelated attributes for both participant groups; however, the age attribute was seen as being more important than the severity of disability attribute for the group with prior contact; (3) Six attributes of individuals with disabilities were found to be more equally weighted in their preference determination for participants who had more contact with various disabilities.


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