  • 期刊


The Right and Wrong of "Zi Lu Asked to Pray for Confucius": An Analysis from Its History of Interpretation




子路 孔子 疾病 請禱


The chapter "Zi Lu asked to pray for Confucius" in Analects preserved a careful mental reaction of Confucius' disciples when they facing the sickness of master. However, based on the different concerns and understandings about their context, Confucians in Han and Sung dynasty have very dissimilar interpretations on Zi Lu's action. Through presenting the hermeneutical history of this chapter, we can find that the scholars in Han dynasty basically held a negative attitude toward Zi Lu's behavior, with Confucius' reaction as their foundation. On the other hand, scholars in Sung dynasty, especially Zhu Xi, concerned more on Zi Lu's personal feeling in that context, as a result, they can have a more sympathetically understanding to Zi Lu's reaction. For Zhu Xi, 'ask for praying' reflects a natural reaction facing the situation of Confucius' sickness, for this behavior could settle their own anxiety, which had its own basis in classics. Through this distinction, we can also find Zhu Xi's unique attitude towards the meanings and limits of prayer and his different attitude toward the transcendental world compared with his contemporary Confucians.


Zi Lu Confucius sickness ask for praying
