

汗管瘤是一良性皮膚附屬器腫瘤,好發於中年婦女的眼瞼四周。在現有的文獻報告中,發生於女性外陰部的汗管瘤極為少見。我們回顧長庚醫院過去10年15例發生於女性外陰部的汗管瘤病人,評估他們在臨床和病理上的特徵。這15位病人病灶發作時的年齡從19到55歲,median age為29歲。在臨床表現上,11位病人有不同程度的癢感,而其中有9人的病灶為多發性膚色丘疹,5位病人同時合併有其他部位的汗管瘤,其中的4位有家族成員也有汗管瘤病灶。在病理的特徵上,有3個病人同時合併屎粒囊腫。我們有6位病人接受二氧化碳雷射治療,他們在臨床上劇癢的症狀都獲得明顯的改善。從本研究中獲得以下結 論,在臨床上,若病人的外陰部發生具癢感的皮膚病灶,需考慮汗管瘤的診斷,另外,若是病人症狀無法獲得緩解,二氧化碳雷射可有效的去除病灶,控制病人的臨床症狀。




Syringoma, a benign adnexal tumor, mainly occurs on the periorbital area of middle-aged women. Syringomas involving the vulva are rare. Only sporadic case reports could be found in the lit-erature. The purpose of our study was to analyze the clinicopathologic features of fifteen cases of vul-var syringoma diagnosed at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for the past 10 years. Clinically, their age of onset ranged from 19 to 55 years with a median age of 29 years. Most of our patients complained of a variable degee of pruritus (11/15). Nine patients had multiple flesh-colored papules distributing on the vulva. The coexistence of eyelid syringomas was found in one third of our series (5/15), and four of them also had a family history of extragenital syringomas. Pathologically, milium cysts were found within the area of syringoma in three cases. Six of our patients with intense pruritus were treated with carbon dioxide laser vaporization. Their lesions resolved and itching subsided. Based on our series, we concluded that vulvar syringoma was not very rare and should be considered in the differential diagno- sis of vulvar pruritus, and CO2 laser could be used as a therapeutic modality for those patients with intractable symptoms.


Syringoma Vulvar
