  • 期刊


Effects of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6 on the Bone Mineralization/Periodontal Wound Healing


從1965年Urist發現骨成形蛋白質(bone morphogenetic protein, BMP)可以促進異位性骨質新生後,至二十一世紀初期人類重組第二型與第七型骨成形蛋白質(recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2, -7, rhBMP-2, -7)已被允許應用於人體及醫療器材塗料促進骨折處癒合;如今,在許多文獻中已經發現人類重組第六型骨成形蛋白質(recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-6, rhBMP-6)在刺激骨鈣素(osteocalcin, OCN)的分泌與骨母細胞分化(osteoblast differentiation)的效果比rhBMP-2和-7更為優異。因此本文就相關細胞與動物實驗做簡要的整理,探討BMP-6對於牙周傷口癒合的影響,以作為未來臨床治療和應用的參考。


Since the function of ectopic bone formation through the induction of BMPs was found by Dr. Urist in 1965, BMP-2 and -7 were allowed to apply on the coating of medical instruments and on human body to promote healing of bone fracture in the early twenty-first century. Moreover, the studies showed that BMP-6 was more superior in the synthesis of osteocalcin and osteoblast differentiation than BMP-2 and -7. Therefore, the purpose of this study is not only to introduce the history and related mechanism in target cells of rhBMP-6, but also to summarize the findings of both in vitro and in vivo studies of BMP-6 and discuss the possible study design in future research.
